• ベストアンサー

夢 エッセイ

お願いします 宿題の提出課題で「見た夢」と「その分析」について出します、もしよければ添削いただけると助かります In my dream, I was sleeping on the bed. A crow flew to me and he changed his figure to a devil. The devil tried to reach his hand to my chest. His arm was very long. There were over 2 meters or more. I noticed that his existence and struggled to his hand but I could not. His hand came in my body. then, I was woke by my wife. I realized this one solid black dream. My dream indicate my mental condition. Freud would say that the crow is symbolic of trouble or failure and black colour represents despair and anxity. According to the dream-for-survival theory, We dream represent concerns about our daily lives therefore, dreaming the nightmare, I might have endured dark days. The devil symbolizes my negative aspect. Although the devil wanted to reach his hand to me, I tried to flick it away from me. It mean I tried to change my negative thinking to positive thinking.


  • ベストアンサー
  • FurbyS_OK
  • ベストアンサー率29% (52/178)

My dream indicate my mental condition. Freud would say that the crow is symbolic of trouble or failure and black colour represents despair and anxity. According to the dream-for-survival theory, We dream represent concerns about our daily lives therefore, dreaming the nightmare, I might have endured dark days. The devil symbolizes my negative aspect. Although the devil wanted to reach his hand to me, I tried to flick it away from me. It mean I tried to change my negative thinking to positive thinking.  なかなかいいですね! 興味深く拝読しました。 (^^ s のつけ忘れなど以外は、添削というより、私だったらこう書く、、、と言った程度ですが、ご参考までに・・  In my dream, I was sleeping on my (or a) bed. A crow flew into my (or the) room and it changed its shape into a devil. He tried to reach out his hand towards me (or to grab my chest) with his unrealistically long arms. Very frightened, I struggled to escape from his hands, but in vain. His hand penetrated my chest (or body). At that moment, I was (luckily) woken up by my wife (or, At that moment, I was shaken by my wife into wakefulness.) and realized that it was a nightmare. Dreams are said to indicate one's mental condition. (中略) Our dreams represent (後略) 最後まで全部書いてしまうと私の文章になってしまうし、全体的に良く書けているので手直ししませんでした。 余談ですが、ケンブリッジ英検に出てきそうなお題ですねw。



ご回答頂きありがとうございました!! penetratedは特に「あ、この単語!!」とまさに僕が言いたかった言葉ど真ん中でしたので、感動しました!! また是非よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>


その他の回答 (1)

  • ecoyan
  • ベストアンサー率40% (68/166)

はじめまして。 ちょっとしたことなのですが、 ※sleep on my bed ではなく、'in'my bed です。 ※2メートル離れていた、のところは最後に from each other をつけたほうがはっきりするかと思います。 ※struggled to his hand but I could not のところは何がI could not だったのかはっきり書いたほうが良いかとおもいます。 ※最後の It mean は全体の文の流れからすると、It means と断定するよりも It would mean とか It could mean とか(もっと良い表現があるかもしれませんが)にしたほうが自然かな、と思います。 私もとても興味深く読ませていただきました。そのままで充分意味は通じますし、あくまで参考意見です。



ご回答ありがとうございました in my bedなんですね、、知らなかった・・ It would mean はって言い方思いつきませんでした また是非よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>
