(1)Grand Totalが合ってない(表示されていないが、エクセル上に小数点以下の数字があり、その分も計算されているためと思われる)
Thank you for sending us the invoice.However, we found some variance on the invoice as mentioned below. We would appreciate it if you could check the following three points and revise the invoice with correct number.
1)Grand Total
Grand Total is shown as $100,001,but it becomes $100,000 by
calculating the total for all columns. We assume that this variance occured as aresult of each rounding off numbers.
2)A Company Sharing
The number of each column is rounded off,but two decimals are to be kept.For example, Item#1 becomes $65,042.50, which
is currently shown as $65,043 on the invoice.
3)Grand Total for A Company Sharing
Grand Total for A company Sharing becomes $50,000 by keeping two decimals in rounding off numbers.
We understand these are very tiny thing, but our financial people won't accept the variances. We have attached the PDF file for your sample.
It will be highly appreciated if you could revise the invoice as soon as possible.
We would appreciate your continued support in advance.
早速のご回答、ありがとうございます。 ご紹介頂いたURLを確認しました 静岡県の産業紹介のサイトなんですね なかで、浜松のことがいくつか紹介されてますね