• 締切済み




  • ベストアンサー率40% (2/5)

大学へ行きたければ? SAT か ACT。 大学院へ行きたければ? GRE か GMAT か MCAT か、、、 では、Financial Aid の 申し込みは? TADS か FASFA。御存知でしたか? で、どちらにも、前年度の所得証明というか納税証明が要ります。 つまり、アメリカの Finanial Aid を得るには、まづ、永住権か、市民権が要るという事です。もちろん、援助は低所得者向けですから、低所得を証明しなければ なりません。もちろん、米ドルで、米国にです。円で日本へ納税した人や その子弟は、日本で資金を調達した方が良いです。 第一、支払い能力を証明しないと、学生ヴィザが出ませんよ! 日本語のTAでも、希望者は多いです。本当に完璧なバイリンガルもいます。その中で、英語が訛っている日本人がTA職を取れる確立は? 厳しいの一言です。よしんば、TAになれても、学生達が、あのTAの英語は聞き苦しくて理解できない、とか理解が難しいとクレームすれば、イッカンの終わりです。


I received a TA position at a graduate school in the US. It was for the courses in my major,not for the Japanese classes. Here are some things that might help you: - Apply for the position as soon as possible! This is the very first and most important step. It's usually a first-come-first-served basis. You never know what opportunities lie ahead until you give it a chance. It is quite possible that the school may be looking for a Japanese TA right now and you may be the best qualified person! - Talk to the head of the program and request a position in person (or by phone since you are in Japan). You have a better chance of getting a desired position if the professor can trust you and have confidence in you. It is easier to establish that type of relationship if you can talk with him/her in person. I received my TA position after I began studying at school. I wish I had started the process sooner. There are many foreign students who receive assistance from the school. So, just give it a try. You will be surprised how much opportunities are out there! Good luck.



Thank you for your fast reply.I am very glad to hear that there are lots of opportunities to be GTA. Actually, I'd like to major in Foreign Language Education which means teaching Japanese as a second langueage. I could not study about Japanese Language so much in my university here in Japan since I am majoring in International Studies. I used to study in U.S as an exchange student and spent a year there. So, I'm not confident to be GTA so fast becuase of the lacking of my English ability. I'd like to be GTA as soon as possible but, it's kind of hard for me even it's still very tough for me to study in the graduate school. That's why I'm looking for some financial aid for my study. I'd love to try anyway !! again, Thanks a lot !!

