• ベストアンサー


いつもお世話になっています。 It can go five times as fast as a man. という文の中で「five times」を私は5時間と訳してしまったんですが「5倍」らしいです。 どうしてですか。 Bill was laughed at by them. のatは「~で」と私は訳したんですが、どうですか。 宜しくお願いいたします。


  • ベストアンサー

times は倍を意味します。二倍 = twiceを用い、その他は three times, four times 1.5 timesといったように用いられます。2,3倍の意味で two or three timesのような時には"two"を用いることがあります。幾つかの用法がありますのでしっかりと覚えるようにしましょう。 1) 数字 + times + as 形容詞・副詞 as 名詞、その他 例文: as 形容詞 as 名詞の例: a) Brazil is 23 times as large as Japan. b) That box is ten times as long as this one. as 副詞 as 名詞の例: a) Mike runs three times as fast as his sister. b) For Microsoft's CD-ROM titles, PC users call for help at least three times as often as Mac users. (副詞) call for ... = ~を求める as 副詞 as その他の例: a) I laugh two to three times as often as I cry. b) Jane can run three times as quickly as she can walk. c) John earns five times as much as I do. その他 a) People who regularly drink alcohol are three times as likely to die from injury as are non-drinkers and former drinkers of alcohol. 2) 数字 + times + 比較級 + than + 対象 a) Jack earns four times more than Ben. b) This ant can carry food five times larger than its own weight. c) Mexico is almost 10 times smaller than the US and Canada. 3) 数字 + times + the + 名詞 + of 1) Japan is bigger than Germany and the UK, and is 1.7 times the size of North and South Korea combined and 10 times the size of Taiwan. 2) In 1900, Europe had three times the population of Africa. Bill was laughed at by them. laugh at = ~をあざ笑う、嘲笑するというイディオムで一つの「他動詞」として考える。 They laughed at Bill. を受動態にしたもの。

その他の回答 (1)

  • noon0202
  • ベストアンサー率25% (3/12)

five times は普通五回と訳します。 五時間はfive hoursですね。 laugh atで「~を笑う」というイディオムです。 この形で覚えてしまいましょう。