- ベストアンサー
奇妙なメールを貰ったのですが自分なりに訳しましたがきちんと訳せません。この文を書いたのが本当に知り合いの彼なのかどうかは分りませんがこれです。教えて下さい You call me baby and all that other stuff but I don't really get why you say those things when you have never held my hand, kissed my lips or even hugged me! And I am so confused at times! DO you want to be my girlfriend because I can't tell! I know you said that you live in @@@. and I look at @@@ every day from my boat! It isn't far at all! In matter of fact, it isn't more than an hour a way! So I am wondering what is going to happen when I get back on the 14th! What can you tell me! Can you give me an explanation or an answer??? Please don't get mad at me for feeling like this but how would you feel if you have been talking to someone for a little while. And you are new to there country, and you are all they think about but you have never seen that person or never held that person or never even eaten dinner with that person. But every day they call you BABY! You would want to know what's going on, RIGHT? You would think is this person playing with your emotions! This person must be a PLAYER or a PIMP!! Can you email with an answer today at least! That is all I ask!!! And you got a car too! A drive from @@@ isn't far either!! Come on now,
- みんなの回答 (8)
- 専門家の回答
有難うございます。babyというのは彼は呼んで欲しいというからたまに使いました。#1さんがいうようにかなり怒って馬鹿にして言ってる感じナンですかね?ちなみにこの文の前はI was just wondering what is really going on? I think I have been talking to you for a while and I have yet to meet you! It is not bad but I really think that I could have at least met you some where once! I understand that you really don't speak English and I am good with that! I know that I am willing to be flexible with learning Japanese so I could have fluent conversations! And I know that you work too! But something got to give! It's been plenty times that I had to work and I know there has been times you were off, we could have done something! You know what? I can't even get mad! Only thing I am telling you, with your schedule and my schedule coming up we ought to get together soon. Because even though I haven't been when nobody while I am here! I feel like a sucker. Because I am willing to make time while I am here. I know when I go out to sea, I can't! And another thing, I swear that you said Sunday was an easy day! You didn't get of till 800pm. That isn't an easy day! Any time you work on the weekend it is really extra work! I am not telling you to quit your job or anything but I feel like I don't see you before November or December, I will probably won't be interested in you anymore! Please tell me what do you want, because I am confused??? Confusion isn't one of my qualities I have but I am confused right now. です。