How to Handle Awful News and Support Your Daughter
Learn how to handle awful news and support your daughter in times of tragedy.
Schedule sessions with a mental health professional if you are concerned about your daughter's stress level.
If cost is a concern, contact the department of mental health for affordable therapy options.
This kind of awful news travels via television, social media and word of mouth faster than lightning. By the time this letter is published, your daughter will have already learned about this family tragedy.
Rarely, if ever, does this kind of acting out happen in a vacuum. Healthy children and young adults rarely -- if ever -- snap out of nowhere. Because you are concerned about the level of stress your daughter is experiencing, please waste no time in scheduling some sessions for both of you with a licensed mental health professional. If this will create financial hardship, contact the department of mental health in your community because through it you may be able to find a therapist who charges on a sliding financial scale.
Rarely, if ever, does this kind of acting out happen in a vacuum.の訳と、charges on a sliding financial scaleの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
"Rarely, if ever, does this kind of acting out happen in a vacuum."
"in a vacuum" は "out of nowhere" に置き換えることが出来ると思います。
"charges on a sliding financial scale"
相談者は母子家庭です。話者は相談者とその娘に対し、早急に精神科医のカウンセリングを受けるよう助言しています。そして "financial hardship(資金面での困難)" を案じて、収入に応じた費用の減免を受けられるようなセラピストを紹介してもらうようアドバイスしています。