和訳 by... by... by...
外国人です。 byで接続している文章です。なかなかよい文章は書かないです。 どんなふうに和訳すればいいですか?
Defendants violated Plaintiff's right to access public court records, by maintaining a requirement that “permission” must be obtained from the opposing Prosecutor, to access public court records for one's own case for trial, by withholding, restricting and refusing access to the Record of Proceedings, and, by deleting crucial testimony and dialogue from the audio Record of Proceedings, to conceal it.
Defendants violated Plaintiff's right to access public court records,
by maintaining a requirement that “permission” must be obtained from the opposing Prosecutor, to access public court records for one's own case for trial,
by withholding, restricting and refusing access to the Record of Proceedings, and,
by deleting crucial testimony and dialogue from the audio Record of Proceedings, to conceal it.
添削してくれてありがとう!!! タイプミスも見つけた!。。。 lol :o) pled または pleaded は正しい pladedの英語は聞いたことはない。それはタイプミスではないか pleadedのほうが使っていると思います。 嘆願の意味の場合は、pleadedのほうが深い心から感じます