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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文翻訳をお願いします。)

General Lawrence's Risk at the Battle of Romani

  • General Lawrence's decision to rely on a single infantry division and two light horse brigades to defend Romani was criticised as a grave and unnecessary risk.
  • The strong enemy attack on the light horse brigades pushed them so far back that the planned flanking attack became almost a frontal attack.
  • Lawrence's decision to remain at headquarters in Kantara, far from the battlefield, contributed to his loss of control when communication was cut.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>General Lawrence was criticised for taking a grave and unnecessary risk by relying on just one entrenched infantry division and two light horse brigades to defend Romani. That the strong enemy attack on the 1st and 2nd Light Horse Brigades during the first night's battle pushed them so far back that the planned flanking attack by the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade became almost a frontal attack. ⇒ローレンス将軍は、ロマーニを防御するのに、塹壕にこもる1個の歩兵師団および2個の軽騎兵隊旅団のみに頼るという、不要かつゆゆしき危険を犯したことについて批判された。最初の夜戦の間の第1、第2軽騎兵隊旅団に対する、敵の強力な攻撃によって彼らは押し戻され、ニュージーランド騎馬ライフル旅団が計画した側面攻撃は、ほとんど前面攻撃になってしまった。 >Lawrence was also faulted for remaining at his headquarters at Kantara, which was considered to be too far from the battlefield, and that this contributed to his loss of control of the battle during the first day, when the telephone line was cut and he was out of contact with Romani. ⇒ローレンスはまた、カンタラの本部にとどまっていたことでも批判された。戦場から遠すぎたからであり、電話回線を切られてロマーニとの連絡接触を断たれた初日の1日中、戦闘統制損失の起因となってしまったと考えられたのである。



