Solar-Powered Food: A Surprising and Affordable Solution
Experience the deliciousness of solar-powered food after a workshop where users prepare their own meals.
Discover the convenience and affordability of portable solar cook kits that look like cardboard boxes.
Embrace the eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to traditional cooking methods.
After a day of preparing the foods, the users are finally able to taste their ‘solar-powered food.’
“Oh, this is good,”says one woman as she tries the food from a workshop.
“It's very good,”she continues.“The consistency is good; the texture is fine.”
She then concludes with a smile, “No problem!”
The fact that the solar cooker looks just like a cardboard box surprises many of the woman.
One of the cooks says, “We're all amazed that a cardboard box can cook.”
After each workshop, attendees are given their own portable solar‘cook kits’to take home.
They are then expected to use the kits to help them with their daily tasks.
The simple cookers cost about five dollars, last almost two years, and work exactly like the more costly kits.