• ベストアンサー


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcC_dEDMd2Y なんて言っているのか英文を書いてくれませんか?


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

At the end of Season 4, urr, Chuck kind of stepped aside and let Chris Luis and Blair have a crack at their fairytale umm, which I am sure they urr, well it was a very difficult decision but, felt like it was the one that kind of needed to happen. So after that, umm, Chuck and Nate took off on a, on a whirlwind summer to see what they could find, I guess. And they had, they had a good old time. Yeah, and here we are. We are shooting in L.A., this is a great fun, this is a change. Anyone who has been to L.A. know it could be quite troublesome place, so why not end up here.






お時間あるときに訳もお願いできますか? すいません><


その他の回答 (1)

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

At the end of Season 4, urr, Chuck kind of stepped aside and let Chris Luis and Blair have a crack at their fairytale umm, which I am sure they urr, well it was a very difficult decision but, felt like it was the one that kind of needed to happen. So after that, umm, Chuck and Nate took off on a, on a whirlwind summer to see what they could find, I guess. And they had, they had a good old time. Yeah, and here we are. We are shooting in L.A., this is a great fun, this is a change. Anyone who has been to L.A. know it could be quite troublesome place, so why not end up here. (「ゴシップ・ガール」の)シーズン4の終わりでチャックはある意味主役の座からおりるんだけど、今度はチャックに代わってクリスとルイ、そしてブレアが自分らのお伽噺を追うことになるんだ。この展開についてはとても難しい判断だったけど、流れ的にはそうならざるを得なかったと思ってる。 で、その後なんだが、チャックとネイトはハチャメチャな夏を過ごしに行って、まぁ、そこで何が起こるかは楽しみかな。とにかく最高のひと時を過ごすんだ。 あぁ、今、我々はここロサンジェルスで撮影中だけど、とても楽しんでるよ。気分転換にもなる。ロスに滞在したことのある人ならわかるけど、ここはトラブルが付きまとう場所さ。それだけに、まさにうってつけのロケ地だよ。
