"But you must remember, too, that there are thousands of good Republicans who have always supported you. If you keep Federalists in office, if you appoint Federalists to office, many of these good Republicans will stop believing in you."
Certainly, there is no reason why you should give jobs to men who worked for the Federalist government of John Adams. Certainly, you must throw out the officials of the last government who stole money and sold their services. Do this and you will give strength to our Republican movement.
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"But you must remember, too, that there are thousands of good Republicans who have always supported you. If you keep Federalists in office, if you appoint Federalists to office, many of these good Republicans will stop believing in you."
Certainly, there is no reason why you should give jobs to men who worked for the Federalist government of John Adams. Certainly, you must throw out the officials of the last government who stole money and sold their services. Do this and you will give strength to our Republican movement.
*sold their services *微妙で、皮肉たっぷり。 おそらく、「金を採るだけで仕事をしないかった連邦党の連中」という意味 ではないかとおもいます。 *この微妙な心境は、回答を読んで感じたことで、明確な根拠はありません。 このような駆け引き、縄張り、政略の世界にはありうることだと思いました。 *勝手な推量は良くないが、考えられることではないかと思います。