They discovered dividing cells that were lost on exposure to radiation and that resembled planarian neoblasts in appearance, localization and gene-expression profile.
The discovery that FGF-receptor-mediated signalling is crucial for the maintenance of adult schistosome stem cells is noteworthy not just because it links stemness in organisms at opposite extremes of multicellular complexity — schistosomes and humans.
Indeed, schistosomes can repair surface damage caused by subcurative doses of praziquantel, making the search for alternative treatments a priority. Because stem cells may have a crucial role in praziquantel resistance, it is appealing to envisage the development of drugs that inhibit SmfgfrA, or other genes essential for maintaining schistosomal adult stem cells, as adjuncts to existing therapy.
28 Feb. 2013 NATUREの記事です
(1)They discovered dividing cells that were lost on exposure to radiation and that resembled
planarian neoblasts in appearance, localization and gene-expression profile.
(2)The discovery that FGF-receptor-mediated signalling is crucial for the maintenance of adult schistosome stem cells is noteworthy not just because it links stemness in organisms at opposite extremes of multicellular complexity — schistosomes and humans.
と訳してみましたがnotetworthy not just以降でこのnot justがどういう意味でつかわれているかもわからなかったですしbecause以降の的確な訳に自信がありません。
(3)Indeed, schistosomes can repair surface damage caused by subcurative doses of praziquantel, making the search for alternative treatments a priority. Because stem cells may have a crucial role in praziquantel resistance, it is appealing to envisage the development of drugs that inhibit SmfgfrA, or other genes essential for maintaining schistosomal adult stem cells, as adjuncts to existing therapy.
(4)And is the cells’ ability to self-renew exhaustible under appropriate immune or metabolic pressure?
(5)A remarkable feature of schistosome biology is that female parasites live enclosed within a specialized canal on the ventral surface of the male’s body, and they rely on this niche to reach, and maintain, sexual maturity.
(6)Working from a baseline established in planarians, Collins et al. have taken full advantage of advances in our understanding of the schistosome genome and the development of reverse-genetics approaches in these organisms. They have thereby made a highly informative and valuable cross-cultural foray from studying stem cells in free-living worms to studying them in parasitic worms.
>(1)They discovered dividing cells that were lost on exposure to radiation and that resembled planarian neoblasts in appearance, localization and gene-expression profile.
>(2)The discovery that FGF-receptor-mediated signalling is crucial for the maintenance of adult schistosome stem cells is noteworthy not just because it links stemness in organisms at opposite extremes of multicellular complexity — schistosomes and humans.
not just becauseですから、そういう理由にもなるけれど、他にもあるんでしょうね。この文の後に、そうした説明があったりしないでしょうか。
>(3)Indeed, schistosomes can repair surface damage caused by subcurative doses of praziquantel, making the search for alternative treatments a priority. Because stem cells may have a crucial role in praziquantel resistance, it is appealing to envisage the development of drugs that inhibit SmfgfrA, or other genes essential for maintaining schistosomal adult stem cells, as adjuncts to existing therapy.
ここのschistosomal adult stem cellsと、前のadult schistosome stem cellsが違うものかどうか、ちょっと私では分かりませんでした。すみません。一応、語順通りに訳しました。
>(4)And is the cells’ ability to self-renew exhaustible under appropriate immune or metabolic pressure?
>(5)A remarkable feature of schistosome biology is that female parasites live enclosed within a specialized canal on the ventral surface of the male’s body, and they rely on this niche to reach, and maintain, sexual maturity.
最後のto不定詞の動詞reachとmaintainの目的語がsexual maturityのようです。
>(6)Working from a baseline established in planarians, Collins et al. have taken full advantage of advances in our understanding of the schistosome genome and the development of reverse-genetics approaches in these organisms.
>They have thereby made a highly informative and valuable cross-cultural foray from studying stem cells in free-living worms to studying them in parasitic worms.
not just becauseの他での示唆は
not just becauseの他での示唆は 宿主と寄生的なメカニズムからファージや免疫系の相互作用において幹細胞自身にも影響があたえられていることなどがしさされていました。 さいごの結言もそうですが出だしでこれらの寄生虫は若返りの能力を実際に示しているにもかかわらず見向きもされていないことなどが二回ぐらい説明されていました。 相変わらずすごすぎる訳のご教授と文章の推察いつもありがとうございます。