Kenji needs to perform extremely well in his exams because he was accepted into the top university in his area.
You have been a great help to me. If I hadn't met you here three years ago, I would be a completely different person.
Mary spent the day helping her elderly parents move into their new apartment.
[英語] 間違っている箇所を教えて下さい><
1. Kenji must ((1)do) ((2)extremely well) in his exams ((3)because) he ((4)got into) the top university in his area.
2. You have been ((1)such a great help) to me. If ((2)did not meet) you here three years ago, I ((3)would) be a totally ((4)different) person.
3. Mary ((1)spent) the day ((2)help her) ((3)elderly) parents ((4)move into) their new apartment.
4. Wounded ((1)by) an assassin's bullet while ((2)he) ((3)was watching) a play at the Ford Theater, ((4)death came to Lincoln) a few hours after being shot.
1. (1) do ⇒ have done
2. (2) did not meet ⇒ I had not met
3. (2) help her ⇒ helping her
4. (4) death came to Lincoln ⇒ Lincoln died
☆ As Lincoln was wounded by an assassin's bullet ..., Lincoln died ... が元の文で、前半が、(Being) wounded ... と分詞構文になった様に思います。