• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳お願いします;;)


  • 写真は私の思い出を形に残しておける大切なものです。見ていると楽しいし、寂しいときには元気をもらえます。また、他の人にも自分の経験や感情を伝える手段になります。
  • 家族や親戚、親友、学校のクラスメイトと撮った写真など、様々な場面での写真が私の宝物です。赤ちゃんの頃や友達との旅行、卒業式など、特別な思い出を切り取った写真たちです。
  • 私はこれまで撮ったすべての写真を大切に保存しています。将来、友達や私の子供たちに見せてあげたいと思っています。その時には、懐かしくて楽しい思い出がよみがえることでしょう。


  • ベストアンサー

私の宝物は写真です。 My treasure is my photos. (ここで、photos には my が必要だと思います。"my treasure is my" をネット検索してみてください。) 写真は自分の思い出を形にして残しておけるものだと思います。 I think that photos allow you to keep your memories in an embodied form. 見ていると楽しいし、寂しいときに見ると元気をもらえます。 You can enjoy looking at them. When you are lonely, they encourage you. それに、その時その場にいなかった人にも自分の見たものや、 その時の自分を見せてあげることができます。 What is more, you can show what you saw and how you were on a specific spot at a specific time to people who were not there then. だから、今まで撮ったすべての写真をとても大切にしています。 So I take good care of all the photos that I have taken so far. 家族と親戚と親友と学校のクラスメイトと撮った写真。 Photos taken with my family, relatives, best friends, and classmates. 赤ちゃんの時、友達と旅行した時、 卒業式に泣いた時などのいろいろな写真です。 These various photos were taken when I was a baby, when I was traveling with friends, when I cried at my graduation ceremony, and at other times. 私はすべての写真を大切に保存して、将来、友達や私の子供に見せてあげたいです。 I wish to take good care of all these photos and show them to my friends and children. きっと、懐かしくて、とても楽しいと思います。 I am certain that they will be nostalgic and fun.


その他の回答 (2)

  • snorioo
  • ベストアンサー率54% (103/188)

My treasure is photos. They are something you can keep your memories with. They make you happy when you look at them, cheer you up when you are lonely. You can also show what you saw, what you were, to the people who were not there at the time. That's why I keep very carefully all the photos I took; the photos with my families, with my classmates. They were taken at various occasions; when I was a baby, when I traveled with friends, when I cried at the graduation. I want to keep all the photos carefully, and show them to my friends and my children. I am sure they will make me nostalgic and happy.


My treasure is a photograph. I think that a photograph is what makes its recollections a form, leaves them and can set them. When it is looking, it is pleasant, and energy can be got, if it sees when lonely. What he saw, and oneself at that time can also be shown to the person who was not in it on that occasion then. Therefore, all the photographs taken until now are very valued. The photograph taken with a family, a relative, the best friend, and the classmate of the school. When you travel with a friend at the time of a baby, they are various photographs when it cries over a graduation ceremony. I would like to save all the photographs carefully and to show it to the friend or my child in the future. I think that I am surely very pleasant to be nostalgic. これで大丈夫だと思います。
