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15号棟201号室 室内のカビ発生の原因調査

  • 11月28日16:30分に15号棟201号室の居住者から室内にカビが発生するとの依頼があり、原因調査を行いました。
  • 調査の結果、室内エアコンの内部点検と清掃、キッチンシンク下の配水管点検、トイレと洗面台、バスタブの点検、天井裏の給水管と配水管の点検、洗濯機と皿洗い機の給水ホースと排水ホースの点検を行いました。
  • 作業の結果、洗濯機下に少しの水漏れが発見されたため、修理と清掃を行いました。その他には水漏れや異常、カビの発生はありませんでした。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

Re: Investigation of the cause of mildew of the interior of Room 201, Building 15 At 4:30 pm on November 28, Mr.○○, occupant of Room 201, Building 15, requested an investigation of the cause of mildew in the room and we performed the following: 1. inspection and cleaning of the five air conditioning units (2 in the living room, 3 in the bedroom) 2. inspection of the piping under the sink 3. inspection of the two toilets, two wash stands, and one bathtub 4. inspection of the water supply line and the drainage pipe in the attic 5. inspection of the water supply hose and the dranage hose of the washing machine and the dish washing machine During these inspections leakage under the washing machine was doscovered and repair work of the washing machine and cleaning under the washin machine were performed. Aside from these there were no leaks, irregularities, or mildew.

