質問なのですがパトス、エソス、ロゴスのどれか一つを使った二つのCMを比べるというテーマで少しながめのエッセーを書こうとしています。いきなり書き始めるよりoutlineを書いてからのほうが書きやすいと思いまずoutlineを作ってみたのですが、Bodyでのうまい書き方やアイデア、conclusionでのmain pointの要約と自分の意見をうまく書く方法がいまいち良くわかりません。そこでなにか良い書き方やアイデアがあれば教えていただけないでしょうか?
Introduction: From old to current advertisements, logos has been used to convince consumers that the product is reliable, honest, and credible.
Thesis: 1960 DHC and 2006 Clearasil skin care lotion advertisements both used the same marketing strategy; however, they have different way of advertising.
A. Similarities between the two ads
- used logos
- attractive models both male and female who have nice skin
- men or women model showed off and touched their skin with saying “My skin is so smooth!”
Transition sentence: to show that differences will be mentioned starting with the first, old advertisement.
B. Differences: DHC
Brief description of the DHC advertisement and show
- two women
- target group- women who want beautiful and clear skin
- two women boast the number of users, how many products is sold, and success stories of users.
- the advertisement do not use fantasy in a comic book or video game mode.
Transition sentence: to show that differences will now be mentioned starting with the second, current advertisement.
C. Differences: Clearasil
Brief description of the Clearasil advertisement and show
- one real man and one unreal woman (video game or comic book character)
- target group- men who want nice skin
- the advertisement explains scientifically why the product is extremely effective for their skin.
- the advertisement uses fantasy in a comic book or video game mode.
Conclusion: DHC and Clearasil advertisement both used logos that gives consumers the evidence and statistics to fully understand what the product does. There difference in the two advertisements though they used same marketing strategy.
My thought:It need copyright royaltys and represent fee to use a ainme character in commercial or ads. and using a anime character in ads can make more close to people,and the character have the deep impression in people's mind.and it is easily make people associate the character with the goods in ads.On the whole,it is a ads trick,it seems to be called Image spokesperson.
ありがとうございます。 「愛がなくても喰ってゆけます」は以前から興味がありました。 「パリパリ伝説」「女の窓」は知りませんでした。 探して読んでみます。 「暴れん坊本屋さん」気になっているのですが、なんとなく絵がちょっと、、 と思い迷っているところです。 いろいろ教えてくださって感謝しています。