• 締切済み


来年度3回生になる大学生です。 留学をするタイミングについて悩んでいます。 学部を卒業→留学→大学院進学 なんてできたらいいなぁと思っているのですが、どう思われますか。 周りにそうされた方はいますか? 現時点で交換留学は難しいようで...



>留学をするタイミングについて悩んでいます。 >学部を卒業→留学→大学院進学 That's the most desirable pattern for most students who want to pursue a higher education in a foreign country. If you have a chance to study abroad for 1 year while you're an undergraduate student, it will help you a lot when you start a graduate school. You still have a chance to study abroad by applying to exchange program at your third or fourth year. I got a college degree in Japan more than 10 years ago. I worked for 3 years, trained English for 3 years, and then, came to the US. I started from 2nd degree, got a MA and am getting another MA from different school this May. If you're thinking of going to graduate school, you should be able to hone your communication skills including the ability to read scholarly articles and books, write/edit your papers, and listen/speak. This is much more important than your test scores of TOEFL and GRE/GMAT.
