『The sound of summer ~』2
Ray Bradburyの『The sound of summer running』という短編からの質問です。
There was a sound of growing thunder.
One moment, the door to Sanderson’s Shoe Emporium was empty. The next, Douglas Spaulding stood clumsily there, staring down at his leather shoes as if these heavy things could not be pulled up out of the cement. The thunder had stopped when his shoes stopped. Now, with painful slowness, daring to look only at the money in his cupped hand, Douglas moved out of the bright sunlight of Saturday noon. He made careful stacks of nickels, dimes, and quarters on the counter, like someone playing chess and worried if the next move carried him out into sun or deep into shadow.
“Don’t say a word!” said Mr. Sanderson.
Douglas froze.
with painful slownessとは「うんざりするほどゆっくりと」という意味ですか?
There was a sound of growing thunder.とあり、
The thunder had stopped when his shoes stopped.
Douglas moved out of the bright sunlight of Saturday noon.とあるのですが
(質問の『The sound of summer running』1から続いている英文です)
He made careful stacks of nickels, dimes, and quarters on the counterについて
nickels, dimes, and quartersというのがイメージできません。
like someone playing chess and worried if the next move carried him out into sun or deep into shadow.の個所について
carried him out into sun or deep into shadow.は、次の一手で明暗が分かれる様子でしょうか?
靴を買おうとしてお金をカウンターに出している少年(Douglas)を、チェスをしている人になぞらえているようなのですが、carried him out into sun or deep into shadowからDouglasの気持ちを探ると、靴が買えるか、買えないか、といった感じでしょうか?
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