- ベストアンサー
Sally Mann: An American Photographer
- Sally Mann is an American photographer known for her photo collections such as 'IMMEDIATE FAMILY,' 'STILL TIME,' and 'AT TWELVE.' However, there were reports in a magazine around spring 2000 suggesting that she had suspended her activities due to issues with her photographs. It is unclear if she is still on hiatus. If anyone has information about her current activities, please share.
- Additionally, please provide any other books that feature Sally Mann's photographs.
- Please note that I would prefer direct information rather than references to websites in English, as I do not understand English. Thank you for your understanding.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
例えば、以下の1つのリンク(URL アドレス)を、Excite の、オンライン Web 翻訳の URL 欄にコピーして、英→和 翻訳すれば、その後は、新しい和訳されたページが現れ、そのページ内の任意のリンクをたどれば、次々とそれらも和訳されて行きますから、日本語のページをサーフするのと同じ感覚で読めます。和訳レベルは低いですが、好きなページへ行けますのでお試しください。 Excite ウェブページ翻訳 http://www.excite.co.jp/world/url/ URLをテキストフィールドにコピー・入力し、翻訳ボタンを押す。 参考 URL http://members.iinet.net.au/~bronson1/photo/Mann.html http://www.dazereader.com/sallymann.htm http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/americasbest/pro.smann.html May 19, 2001 に生地レキシントンで撮った本人のポートレート有り http://www.t3d.com/great_artists/Sally_Mann.html Books Hospice : A Photographic Inquiry Still Time Immediate Family At Twelve : Portraits of Young Women Second Sight : The Photographs of Sally Mann
その他の回答 (1)
- Zz_zZ
- ベストアンサー率44% (756/1695)
アメリカの写真家に手紙をだしたい。 http://www.okweb.ne.jp/kotaeru.php3?q=231905 Mann, Sally Occupation: photographer Mailing Address: Office Edwynn Houk Gallery 745 5th Ave. New York, N.Y. 10151-0099 Tel: 212 750 7070 Fax: 212 688 4848 URL: http://www.houkgallery.com/gallery.html The Edwynn Houk Gallery ... is the exclusive representative for such major contemporary photographers as Sally Mann... (参考) 世界の人物・経歴情報 - Marquis Who's Who http://www.nifty.com/marquis/index.html (その他) http://www.dazereader.com/sallymann.htm Today she still lives in Lexington with her husband and three children, Jessie, Emmet and Virginia...
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