include "config.php";
$Data = '<form action=register.php method=post>
Login: <br><input type=text name=login><br><br>
Password:<br><input type=password name=passwd><br><br>
Repeat password:<br><input type=password name=repasswd><br><br>
Email:<br><input type=text name=email><br><br>
<input type=submit name=submit value="Registration">
if (isset($_POST['login'])) {
$Link = MySQL_Connect($DBHost, $DBUser, $DBPassword) or die ("Can't connect to MySQL");
MySQL_Select_Db($DBName, $Link) or die ("Database ".$DBName." do not exists.");
$Login = $_POST['login'];
$Pass = $_POST['passwd'];
$Repass = $_POST['repasswd'];
$Email = $_POST['email'];
$Login = StrToLower(Trim($Login));
$Pass = StrToLower(Trim($Pass));
$Repass = StrToLower(Trim($Repass));
$Email = Trim($Email);
if (empty($Login) || empty($Pass) || empty($Repass) || empty($Email)) {
echo "All fields is empty.";
elseif (ereg("[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]", $Login, $Txt)) {
echo "Login have a incorrect format.";
elseif (ereg("[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]", $Pass, $Txt)) {
echo "Password have a incorrect format.";
elseif (ereg("[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]", $Repass, $Txt)) {
echo "Repeat password have a incorrect format.";
elseif (StrPos('\'', $Email)) {
echo "Email have a incorrect format.";
else {
$Result = MySQL_Query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE name='$Login'") or ("Can't execute query.");
if (MySQL_Num_Rows($Result)) {
echo "Account <b>".$Login."</b> is exists";
elseif ((StrLen($Login) < 4) or (StrLen($Login) > 10)) {
echo "Login must have more 4 and not more 10 symbols.";
elseif ((StrLen($Pass) < 4) or (StrLen($Pass) > 10)) {
echo "Password must have more 4 and not more 10 symbols.";
elseif ((StrLen($Repass) < 4) or (StrLen($Repass) > 10)) {
echo "Repeat password must have more 4 and not more 10 symbols.";
elseif ((StrLen($Email) < 4) or (StrLen($Email) > 25)) {
echo "Email must have more 4 and not more 25 symbols.";
elseif ($Pass != $Repass){
echo "Password mismatch.";
else {
$Salt = $Login.$Pass;
$Salt = md5($Salt);
$Salt = "0x".$Salt;
MySQL_Query("call adduser('$Login', $Salt, '0', '0', '0', '0', '$Email', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', $Salt)") or die ("Can't execute query.");
echo "Account <b>".$Login."</b> has been registered.";
echo $Data;
$str = 'test';
if (md5($str) === '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6'){
eco "MD5OK";
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