• 締切済み


Hi! I purchased this SSD to transfer data from my mobile to SSD, but apparently there is no option to select the SSD as a source of reception? Also it's not visible when attempt to transfer files from the device internal memory. Is it mandatory to use laptop or PC to be able to transfer files on this SSD? ※OKWAVEより補足:「エレコム株式会社の製品」についての質問です。


  • celtis
  • ベストアンサー率70% (2358/3332)

Checking the specifications of that product, it appears to be compatible with iPhone and Android. https://www.elecom.co.jp/products/ESD-EWA1000GBK.html You may be able to read and write with the File app that is included from the start for iPad, or with apps such as Files by Google for Android. https://www.elecom.co.jp/support/manual/storage/ssd/esd-ewa/esd-ewa_v01.pdf If you supplement the name of the manufacturer and model number of the mobile device you are using, we can get more pertinent information.



Thank you so much for the prompt response! I was able to use it properly via Files app of course. Thanks for the links!

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