• 締切済み


Reached target Basic Systemまでは進むが、 dracut-initqueue: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts となり起動できません。D-Busと出ているのでそれ関連ではないかと疑っていますが、解決策が見つからない状態です。 また、どのカーネルを選択しても同じ状態でした。 下にrdsosreport.txtのログを抜粋しました。 どなたか解決策をご存じの方がおられましたら、回答をよろしくお願いいたします。 NetworkManager: <info> NetworkManager (version 1.20.10-1.fc31) is starting... (for the first time) <info> Read config: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf <info> auth[0x55c601b334a0]: create auth-manager: D-Bus connection not available. Polkit is disabled and all requests are authenticated. <info> manager[0x55c601b44060]: monitoring kernel firmware directory '/lib/firmware'. <info> manager: Networking is enabled by state file <info> dhcp-init: Using DHCP client 'internal' <info> settings: Loaded settings plugin: ifcfg-rh ("/usr/lib64/NetworkManager/1.20.10-1.fc31/libnm-settings-plugin-ifcfg-rh.so") <info> settings: Loaded settings plugin: keyfile (internal) <info> device (lo): carrier: link connected <info> manager: (lo): new Generic device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1) <info> manager: (eno1): new Ethernet device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2) <info> device (eno1): state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed', sys-iface-state: 'external') <info> manager: (enp34s0): new Ethernet device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/3) <info> device (enp34s0): state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed', sys-iface-state: 'external') <warn> sleep-monitor-sd: failed to acquire D-Bus proxy: Could not connect: No such file or directory <warn> firewall: could not connect to system D-Bus (Could not connect: No such file or directory) <warn> ifcfg-rh: dbus: couldn't initialize system bus: Could not connect: No such file or directory <info> device (enp34s0): carrier: link connected <info> device (enp34s0): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'carrier-changed', sys-iface-state: 'managed') <info> device (eno1): carrier: link connected <info> device (eno1): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'carrier-changed', sys-iface-state: 'managed') <info> manager: startup complete <info> quitting now that startup is complete <info> exiting (success) 以降は下の繰り返し dracut-initqueue: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts NetworkManager: <info> NetworkManager (version 1.20.10-1.fc31) is starting... (after a restart) <info> Read config: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf <info> auth[0x55e7d5c894a0]: create auth-manager: D-Bus connection not available. Polkit is disabled and all requests are authenticated. <warn> sleep-monitor-sd: failed to acquire D-Bus proxy: Could not connect: No such file or directory <warn> firewall: could not connect to system D-Bus (Could not connect: No such file or directory) <warn> ifcfg-rh: dbus: couldn't initialize system bus: Could not connect: No such file or directory <info> manager: startup complete <info> quitting now that startup is complete <info> exiting (success) ↓ dracut プロンプト


  • kteds
  • ベストアンサー率42% (1884/4444)

起動メニューで編集モードに入って kernel コマンドに rhgb および quiet 指定がある場合は 2つともremove して起動してみてください。 正常に起動できた場合は /etc/default/grub からもremove して grub.cfg を作成し直しておいてください。



kteds様 回答ありがとうございます。 確認結果ですが、下記のログが出て起動しないのは変わりませんでした。 NetworkManager <info> auth[0x55d48393d4a0]: create auth-manager: D-Bus connection not available. Polkit is disabled and all requests are authenticated. NetworkManager <warn> sleep-monitor-sd: failed to acquire D-Bus proxy: Could not connect: No such file or directory NetworkManager <warn> firewall: could not connect to system D-Bus (Could not connect: No such file or directory) NetworkManager <warn> ifcfg-rh: dbus: couldn't initialize system bus: Could not connect: No such file or directory
