• 締切済み

Famouse Blog member site

I am living in Japan and using blog called AMEBRO (http://profile.ameba.jp/djt-ats/) which is one of the biggest blog site and many of Japanese became members and using this servicing. Members can use blog function and having good time. I am DJ and also HIP HOP MC and writer. So I introduced my original songs throuth this blog to the people and is successful. However all songs are in English and I want to introduce to US people, too. Because this blog's language is only in Japanese and members are only Japanese possible because of language wise. Do you know any big blog sitse for US people using? Please advise. Iwant to be a members and introduce my songs. Thanky you DJ T-Ats PS) I also want to know your country`s biggest blog siteexcept above mentioned US and Japan. http://djtats.main.jp



hi. this is not an answer but I just wanted to tell you I'm also looking for such blog site hopefully based in usa. I heard *Blogger* from Google is quite popular among English speaking readers, but it's not quite effective when you want Japanese readers. Maybe twitter and facebook is the best way to promote your thingies. You keep your ameblo as it is, and then promote it on twitter and FB.



Thank you so much! Let's see other feedback!



It is good information as I do not need Japanese readers as I can get from current site. So your help might be great! I will see, Thanks !

