I have received the information on your complaint. I will be making contact with representatives from VIAddress in an attempt to assist you in resolving this issue. To be clear, this is NOT a criminal matter. VIAddress as a business is not attempting to steal anything from you or keep you from receiving the property that you purchased. There have been several issues, including a United States Postal Service quarantine, two warehouse relocations, and computer problems that have resulted in many issues. In many cases it is a matter of working out some details to get your problem resolved. With that said, there are certain things which you must do in order for this complaint to be resolved.
First, PAY FOR YOUR SHIPPING: If you have sent orders to VIAddress and are expecting them to forward them to another address you must FIRST pay for shipping. Once they have received confirmation of payment, then they will forward the shipment. If you initially paid for the shipping but have been refunded that money because it was taking too long; PAY FOR THE SHIPPING through Pay-Pal and you will receive your shipment. A majority of the complaints I have received have been due to the customer failing to pay for the shipping costs. VIAddress is under NO LEGAL OBLIGATION to forward any packages that have not been fully paid for.
Second, concerns items not listed in your account. At times, a shipment will arrive at VIAddress, but will not be listed in your account. I can assure you, under most circumstances, your package is at the VIAddress warehouse, but has not been processed. They are very unorganized, and packages can easily be overlooked by their employees. Forward an email to contact@viaddress.com containing your name, unit number and the tracking numbers for the packages, and they will end up listed on your account.
Sorry it took so long to get back with you,
Viaddress has been in business in the Elkhart area since January 2010. They are an actual established company. AS you have read on the internet, they have experienced a number of problems since they opened such as hackers and moving their business unexpectedly at the end of last November. Our department has received hundreds of complaints about Viaddress in the last year because of delayed shipping. Their turn around time for re-shipping varies usually between, one week to months depending on how you have set up your account. For instance, if you set your account up to not ship out until they receive multiple packages, it is going to take longer for you to get your items. Unfortunately, shipping companies like this are considered a civil matter not a criminal matter. The only way Viaddress can be held criminally liable is if they deny receiving property for customers when it can be proven they did, or if they say they mailed out a package and it can be proven they never did. You will need to stay in contact with Viaddress directly through the inquiry section of the website. If you e-mail them and they do not e-mail you back that does not mean they did not get your e-mail. Just keep sending them e-mails. If you have paid for your shipping but your Viaddress account shows it has not been paid, e-mail them a copy of your Paypal receipt. To also let you know, the warehouse moved out of the City of Elkhart on 11-25-10 so it is under a new police jurisdiction which is the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department. The Detective handling the Viaddress situation for the new address is going to be Det. Caples, e-mail rcaples@elkhartcountysheriff.com . I will forward him a copy of this e-mail to let him know what is going on. If this e-mail does not answer your questions about Viaddress you will need to e-mail Det. Caples. Please include what packages you are looking for and your Viaddress “A” number in your e-mail.
1515nakami様 こんにちは。 お礼が遅くなり申し訳ございません。 この度は沢山の情報をいただきどうもありがとうございました。 状況の方は進展されたでしょうか。 ステータスがWEB上から消えてしまうなんて信じられませんね。 荷物を無事日本に発送してもらえるのが一番なのですが、警察を信じて地道に進めて いくのがベストの様な気がいたします。 わたくしも1515nakami様同様、VIAから言い訳のメールがくるものの一向に発送される 気配がありません。 あと3日待ちますがそれでも何もアクションがなければペイパルに異議申し立てしようと 思っております。その旨をVIAにメールいたしました。 きっと何も無い様な気がいたしますが。 それではまた何か進展がありましたらこちらに書き込みいたします。 この度はどうもありがとうございました。