Please input sentences that translate into here. Has your family been hospitalized?
My father was hospitalized last summer.
It suddenly became unwell in the middle of the night, it went to the hospital with mother, and it became hospitalization as it was. It was at three o'clock that mother returned. I was not able also to sleep worrying until the morning on the day. home "Only vigour is value".. wording it was not even on the corner of the head either. It went to the hospital, father was [miruno] as for painful face [shiteiruno], and it was painful for me.
When having left hospital, it was very glad.
Because one of the families had been hospitalized, the rhythm of the life of my home became the quite different one till then. It is necessary to go to the hospital every day. Roles in the house changed, and the time of the meal shifted, too. I whom four families had thought that it was energetic, and it natural always felt the importance of health strongly because of the father's this hospitalization. The importance for the family is healthy for me. What is you doing for health?It moves every day, and it eats, and there are doing a balanced meal with three food [kichin]. Have any minds disregarded it?
I want to stay fit valuing how with the management of daily life like eating habits of every day and the movement, etc. and the mind. And, I want to live in the day in each "'It is alive here now' is important so as not to regret even if dying tomorrow" to the utmost.