Passed, 1 warning(s)
Using Direct Input mode: UTF-8 character encoding assumed
Unlike the “by URI” and “by File Upload” modes,
the “Direct Input” mode of the validator provides validated content in the form of characters pasted or typed in the validator's form field.
This will automatically make the data UTF-8,
and therefore the validator does not need to determine the character encoding of your document,
and will ignore any charset information specified.
If you notice a discrepancy in detected character encoding between the the “Direct Input” mode and other validator modes,
this is likely to be the reason. It is neither a bug in the validator, nor in your document.
ul#topmenu li
In (x)HTML+CSS, floated elements need to have a width declared.
Only elements with an intrinsic width (html, img, input, textarea, select, or object) are not affected
ul#topmenu li a {display: block;
width: 120px;
line-height: 30px;
text-decoration: none;
text-align: center;
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #005087;
background-image: url(rollover.png);
border-right: solid 1px #ffffff}
ありがとうございます! CSSの作成ソフトではなくメモ帳で開いて(CSS作成ソフト側で保存時に半角スペースが増えていることに気付きました)編集したところクリアできました。 半角スペースを1つ入力して上書き保存をしてもダメだし…。なぜなんだろう。と、2時間近く悩んでおりました。 本当にありがとうございました。