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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ヤクザを外人に説明)


  • 留学中の16歳が学校でヤクザについて話すことになりました。ヤクザには祭の屋台や入れ墨などの要素がありますが、それをコミュニティと絡めて説明する方法に迷っています。
  • ヤクザを外国人に説明するためには、日本の伝統的な要素と絡めることが重要です。また、学校の先生が好きそうな要素を取り入れることも必要です。
  • ヤクザ紹介の際には、外国人にウケる内容であると同時に、学校の先生にも好評であることが求められます。コミュニティとの関連性を考慮しながら、日本語でヤクザを説明する方法を探ってください。


  • ベストアンサー
  • skydaddy
  • ベストアンサー率51% (388/749)

まあ、英語だと判らない人が多いからと熱くならずに・・・ (レフリーは読める人がやっていますよ・・・たぶん) (閑話休題) こちらに取りあえず概略があります。これで学校で話す内容は十分あるでしょう。 http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A4%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B6 とくに質問者様の欲しい情報は、”歴史”を見るといいと思います。 私はやくざと暴力団はちょっとニュアンスに違いを感じます。 やくざは明治以前の渡世人(任侠)の歴史を強くひいている感じがしますが (任侠道の中で生きていて、世間との線引きがある) 現在の組織暴力団は世間に積極的に関わる犯罪者集団的なイメージがあります。 現在の情報は、暴力団としてこちらに http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9A%B4%E5%8A%9B%E5%9B%A3 資料の内容は日本の歴史を知っていることが前提になっているので 現地の人に伝えるときは、その前提(背景)も合わせて説明した方がいいです。 言葉で伝える自信がないなら、紙に絵や文字を書いたものを用意するか、 ホワイトボードに書きながら表現すればいいです。 Sharingはいい経験になります。人に説明するとき、自分も改めて学べますから。





その他の回答 (2)


How did you come up with the idea about Japanese yakuza mobsters in relation to social community? If you want to explain their cultural tradition of organization, you can start off like, "Japanese yakuza mobsters are just like Italian mafias in NYC or Russian spies in the US. They live in the networks of a closed society-- like the strings of the hideouts. They usually keep themselves in a low profile as if they were hiding underground. They don’t like to be seen in the light of the public, avoiding the eyes of people and the media. They make their livings by organizing secret businesses—most of them are illegal-- such as loan sharks, selling drugs and guns, prostitutes, gambling, horse racing, etc. Because of their involvement in these illegal acts and open-ended violence between and among different gang groups, they are considered as untouchable, criminal gangsters. Many Japanese people don’t contact with them because they don’t want to get into serious troubles. While most yakuza mobsters are NOT welcomed by local communities, some of them are trying to make a contact with local people by offering the charities or food services in several festivals. . . “

  • my3027
  • ベストアンサー率33% (495/1499)

質問の日本語文章が不明瞭であったので、英文としました。以下文章が、質問者さんの留学と今後の自国文化の理解の助けになればと思います。 first of all, what i mentioned last time was wrong because i misunderstand japanese culture at all. about people whose business is similar to traveling carnival, called yatai business in japan, is NOT yakusa bat Tekiya. They are different people but i just believe they are all yakuza without studying their culture and history. secondly, yakuza's tattoo called irezumi is the same technique to paint something on the skin but their design is different from current tattoo as a fashion. for instance, tattooing such as carp or cherry blossom is popular for yakuza but not for overseas tattoos. therefore, explanation i did before was incorrect due to luck of studying of my own culture. and also couldn't summarize the community because nobody replied me though i asked it on the web instead.



Thank you very much for elaborate and sarcastic answering. But you replayed nothing I wanted to know and why you elaborate so much for answer the question that you don't like? I can't understand because if you doesn't like my question then you could just leave this question. Yes I have no knowledge about Yakuza I haven't get an opportunity to know about that when i was in Japan so I asked here; the Oshete goo!. And I have one concern.I don't misunderstood Japanese culture at all, I just didn't know about a Yakuza, JAPANESE MAFIA. I'm sorry if my japanese made you annoying and this thank-you note might be make you annoying too so i apology that now. Anyway it was very kind of you to teach me and i apologies if my english is not good yet because I just started to studying here, Australia 1 month ago. And I leaned from your answer that I don't have to depend on this kind of SNS and i will inquiry this myself so I don't need your answer never again.

