Sub 書式定義Macro()
Dim c As Range
Dim myStr As String
Dim Match As Object, Matches As Object
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = "[\uFF61-\uFF9F]+" '---(1)
.Global = True
For Each c In Selection
myStr = c.Value
If Len(myStr) > 0 Then
Set Matches = .Execute(myStr)
For Each Match In Matches
myStr = Replace(myStr, Match.Value, _
StrConv(Match.Value, vbWide)) '---(2)
Next Match
c.Value = myStr
End If
Next c
End With
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = "[0-9]+" '---(1)
.Global = True
For Each c In Selection
myStr = c.Value
If Len(myStr) > 0 Then
Set Matches = .Execute(myStr)
For Each Match In Matches
myStr = Replace(myStr, Match.Value, _
StrConv(Match.Value, vbNarrow)) '---(2)
Next Match
c.Value = myStr
End If
Next c
End With
With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
.Pattern = "[\uFF20-\uFF60]+" '---(1)
.Global = True
For Each c In Selection
myStr = c.Value
If Len(myStr) > 0 Then
Set Matches = .Execute(myStr)
For Each Match In Matches
myStr = Replace(myStr, Match.Value, _
StrConv(Match.Value, vbNarrow)) '---(2)
Next Match
c.Value = myStr
End If
Next c
End With
Dim r As Range
For Each r In Selection.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues)
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "デジカメ", "デジタルカメラ")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "携帯", "携帯電話")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "仮開通試験", "")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "入管", "入館")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "センタ", "センター")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "オーナ", "オーナー")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "パートナ", "パートナー")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "マネージャー", "マネージャ")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "リーダー", "リーダ")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "メンバー", "メンバ")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "サマリー", "サマリ")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "サーバー", "サーバ")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "ルーター", "ルータ")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "ファイアーウォール", "ファイアーウォール")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "プロキシー", "プロキシ")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "インタフェース", "インターフェース")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "マネージメント", "マネジメント")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "ウィルス", "ウイルス")
r.Value = Replace(r.Value, "マスタ", "マスター")
Next r
Dim myCell As Range
For Each myCell In Selection
'.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues)
myCell.Value = Replace(myCell.Value, "(", "(")
myCell.Value = Replace(myCell.Value, ")", ")")
myCell.Value = Replace(myCell.Value, "携帯電話電話", "携帯電話")
Next myCell
MsgBox (" 処理が完了しました ")
end sub
AKARI0418さんへ わかりやすい解説で回答有難うございます! 他にもいろいろ応用できそうで助かります。