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私かDelphiで使っているルーチンを抜き出してみました 閏年の判定とか、通算日付の計算とか必要となります。 月が何日まであるかを知るルーチン Get_LastDay_by_YYMMDD 曜日を判定するルーチン Get_DAYNUMBER_by_4YMMDD 以上です、あとは、自分で以下を解析してみて下さい 尚、Win32等の機種依存のルーチンは使っていません uses  SysUtils,Math; const   BASE4DYEAR = 1973;        //                00000850   NEXTCENTURY = 2100;   MatuBi :array [0..1] of array [1..12] of integer =       ( (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31),        (31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31) );   RuisBi :array [0..1] of array [0..12] of integer =     ( ( 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365),      ( 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366) ); function Leap(iYYYY: integer) :integer;    // 0 :平年 1 :閏年 var   i, ii :integer; begin   result := 0;   i := iYYYY mod 4;   if i <> 0 then exit;   i := iYYYY mod 100;   if (i = 0) then   begin     ii := iYYYY mod 400;     if (ii = 0) then     begin       result := 1;       exit;     end else     begin       result := 0;     end;   end else   begin     result := 1;     exit;   end; end; function Check_4YMMDD(iY, iM, iD :integer) :boolean; var   iLastDD :integer; begin   result := false;   if ((iY < 0) or (iM <= 0) or (iD <= 0)) then exit;   if (iM < 1) or (iM > 12) then exit;   iLastDD := MatuBi [Leap (iY), iM];   if (iD < 1) or (iD > iLastDD) then exit;   result := true; end; function Check_4YDDD(iY, iD :integer) :boolean; var   ir :integer; begin   result := false;   if ((iY <= 0) or (iD <= 0)) then exit;   ir := Leap (iY);   if (ir = 0) then   begin     if (iD > 365) then exit;   end else   begin     if (iD > 366) then exit;   end;   result := true; end; function Get_LastDay_by_4YMMDD(i4YMMDD :integer) :integer; var   iYY, iMM :integer;   iLastDD :integer; begin   result := -1;   iYY := i4YMMDD div 10000;   iMM := (i4YMMDD mod 10000) div 100;   if ((iYY < 0) or (iMM <= 0)) then exit;   if ((iMM < 1) or (iMM > 12)) then exit;   iLastDD := MatuBi [Leap (iYY), iMM];   result := (i4YMMDD div 100) * 100 + iLastDD; end; function Get_4YDDD_by_4YMMDD(i4YMMDD :integer) :integer; var   br :boolean;   i, iYY, iMM, iDD :integer; begin   result := -1;   iYY := (i4YMMDD div 10000);   iMM := (i4YMMDD mod 10000) div 100;   iDD := (i4YMMDD mod 100);   br := Check_4YMMDD (iYY, iMM, iDD);   if not br then exit;   i := RuisBi [Leap(iYY), (iMM - 1)] + iDD;   result := iYY * 1000 + i; end; function Get_ABS73_by_4YDDD(i4YDDD :integer) :integer; var   br :boolean;   iYYYY, iDDD, iDays :integer;   rYYYY :Extended; begin   Get_ABS73_by_4YDDD := -1;   iYYYY := i4YDDD div 1000;   iDDD := i4YDDD mod 1000;   br := Check_4YDDD (iYYYY, iDDD);   if not br then exit;   if (iYYYY < BASE4DYEAR) or (iYYYY >= NEXTCENTURY) then exit;   rYYYY := (iYYYY - BASE4DYEAR) * 365.25;   // Ok To 2099   iDays := Floor(rYYYY) + iDDD;   Get_ABS73_by_4YDDD := iDays; end; function Get_DAYNUMBER_by_4YDDD(i4YDDD :integer) :integer; var   iABS73, iDayNum :integer; begin   Get_DAYNUMBER_by_4YDDD := -1;   iABS73 := Get_ABS73_by_4YDDD(i4YDDD);   if (iABS73 = -1) then exit;   iDayNum := iABS73 mod 7;   Get_DAYNUMBER_by_4YDDD := iDayNum; end; function Get_DAYNUMBER_by_4YMMDD(i4YMMDD :integer) :integer; var   i4YDDD, iDayNum :integer; begin   Get_DAYNUMBER_by_4YMMDD := -1;   i4YDDD := Get_4YDDD_by_4YMMDD(i4YMMDD);   if (i4YDDD = -1) then exit;   iDayNum := Get_DAYNUMBER_by_4YDDD(i4YDDD);   Get_DAYNUMBER_by_4YMMDD := iDayNum; end;



