- ベストアンサー
1975年トビー・フーパー監督の映画「悪魔のいけにえ」のサントラ盤というのは発売になっているのでしょうか。 LP盤、CD盤、日本盤は発売になったことはあるのかなどの情報をお願いします。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
正式のサントラ盤は発売されていないし今後も発売されないようです。 The music and soundtrack that accompanied the movie was made up of 7 original songs by different Texas artists and an original background effects track by Tobe Hooper and Wayne Bell. There is no official release of the sound track and there may never be one. Roger Bartlett, who wrote and sang the song "Fool For A Blond", and I, had been in the process for over a year tracking down the original artists to begin the process of making an "official soundtrack" to the movie. But because of circumstances beyond our control, mostly to do with the copyright owners of the movie, enthusiasm on their part for participation in the project was non-existent. Therefore, I have decided to open this new section of my web site on the music of Texas Chainsaw Massacre and a "Where Are They Now?" of the artists.