英字新聞の翻訳 添削のお願い その2
(1)Today, humans rely on an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase 4, or ADH4, to break down ethanol.
(2)The enzyme is common throughout the esophagus, stomach and intestines, and is the first alcohol-metabolizing enzyme that comes into contact with what a person drinks.
(3)Among primates, not all ADH4s are the same — some can’t effectively metabolize ethanol.
(4)To see how ADH4 evolved, Benner’s team read the stretches of DNA that make ADH4 in 27 modern primate species, including lemurs, monkeys, apes and humans.
(4)ADH4がいかに発達した(進化した)か見るために,バーナーのチームは キツネザル,サル,類人猿およびヒトを含めた27の現代霊長類の種においてADH4をつくるDNAの広がりを解釈(理解)した.