マスターズ・ゴルフトーナメント テーマ曲の訳
*18th fairway<ゴルフは18ホールで争われるので、最後の18ホールのこと?
*Sunday afternoon<決勝で優勝者が決まるおおよその時間、日曜日の午後
*Watson, Byron Nelson, Demaret<歴代プレイヤーの名前
*Amen Corner and it's Hogan's perfect swing<アーメンコーナーはホーガンが完璧なスウィングを見せた場所?
*Sarazen's double eagle at the 15<サラゼンがダブルエッジで・・・・
*And the spirit of Clifford Roberts that keeps it alive<クリフォード・ロバーツのスピリットは今も生きている
*And the wooden-shafted legend of Bobby Jones.<ボビー・ジョーンズの木製シャフトは今や伝説だ
ご協力お願いします。m(_ _)m
Well, it's springtime in the valley on Magnolia Lane
It's the Augusta National and the master of the game
Who'll wear that green coat on Sunday afternoon?
Who'll walk the 18th fairway singing this tune?
Augusta, your dogwoods and pines
They play on my mind like a song
Augusta, it's you that I love
And it's you that I'll miss when I'm gone.
It's Watson, Byron Nelson, Demaret, Player and Snead
It's Amen Corner and it's Hogan's perfect swing
It's Sarazen's double eagle at the 15 in '35
And the spirit of Clifford Roberts that keeps it alive
Augusta, your dogwoods and pines
They play on my mind like a song
Augusta, it's you that I love
And it's you that I miss when I'm gone.
It's the legions of Arnie's Army and the Golden Bear's throngs
And the wooden-shafted legend of Bobby Jones.
ありがとうございます ウイリ-・ネルソンもだしてるんですね We Are The Worldの中にでてくるおじさんですね