• 締切済み


Yes salsberry, I did use google translate since no one post in English, but Just wanted to ask to sharp when are you guys going to release an update for lollipop for the aquos crystal 306SH, I just got one and it's the US version but it's locked to kitkat, also you need to release the kernel sources so the device has root access. I just saw yesterday that the aquos crystal 2 was released and it does have lollipop, it has the same exact specs just a bigger screen, camera and 2GB. So if this aquos crystal 2 has lollipop why not the 306SH, it's the same phone, please release an update as well as the sources, so ROMs like CyanogenMod can support the 306SH. Thanks ※OKWaveより補足:「シャープのスマートフォン・携帯電話」についての質問です。


  • salsberry
  • ベストアンサー率69% (495/711)

This is not a place you can ask something to Sharp. No official response is available from Sharp. In addition to that, please close your previous question (http://okwave.jp/qa/q9014319.html) before posting a new question. > So if this aquos crystal 2 has lollipop why not the 306SH It is not simple like that. Aquos Crystal 2 for Softbank has the same CPU as that of 305SH and 306SH, but it is much different in other aspects, having OneSeg TV and FeliCa electronic money features, etc., in addition to screen, camera, and memory you mentioned. Lollipop for Aquos Crystal 2 won't work with 305SH nor 306SH. I don't know if Sharp has any plan to release Lollipop for Aquos Crystal or not.

