• 締切済み


わたしは 香港に 来ました 日本語は下手です でも、今年の四月 名古屋の大学に  勉強するつもり 今日本で生活したいですから 家を探しています 英語か中国語できるの人はありますか?



I looked for three. <Rumor and thought> These homepage are written in Japanese.But It seems to corresponds to Chinese and English. For Chinese http://www.nagoya-cp-cjs.com/china.html <I'm sorry. This company doesn't know well.> For English http://www.freebell.co.jp/apts/index.html  <I think this is high price.> For English and Chinese http://reblo.net/leofnagoya/         <Rumors so not good is heard. > 


O.K. You are searching in Nagoya for the lease company that can speak Chinese or English? I question in Japanese on this homepage. Please wait for several days. I answer again.


I'm sorry when there is strange English. I can understand English a little. What do you want to say? It isn't easy to understand a little. If you are good in English,Please rewrite your question. But please do not big expect me. I'm sorry.



Thanks very munch to answer me. I will study the NAGOYA's university this April. And i want to rent house in Nagoya. But my Japsnese is not really good. And now i just study the Language School. The question is i have check the house online and i want to go there and see the house. The company have any staff can speak English or Chinese. So can easy to conversation. Thank you.