sayshe の回答履歴

  • 英語上級者の方和訳をお願いできないでしょうか?

    One Day Last Year One day last year, when I was driving back to work after I'd had lunch, I had an amazing and unforgettable experience. It must have been two o'clock, or perhaps a quarter of an hour later - a quarter past two. It was an incredible thing really. I was sitting there, at the steering wheel of my new car, waiting for the lights to change, when all of a sudden the car started to shake this way and that, rocking from side to side, throwing me backwards and forwards, up and down. I felt as if I was riding a bucking horse. Worse than that, some mysterious spirit or hostile force seemed to be venting its vast fury upon the earth. And the noise! There was a kind of deep groaning and horrible awesome grinding which seemed to fill the air. And then, a short while after, the whole paroxysm had stopped, just as suddenly. Everything was calm and smooth again, quiet and peaceful once more. I put my foot down, just a gentle pressure on the accelerator - or the gas pedal as it's known in America - and drove off. Everything was utterly normal once more. So then: was this some very local and momentary earth-tremor which had struck us, or, I asked myself, was it a supernatural visitation, some fiery storm of diabolical wrath? Or was it, rather, merely that I'd drunk a double vodka or two during my lunch? ご多忙な中とは思いますが、何卒宜しくお願いします。

  • 英訳をお願いします。

    英訳をお願いします。 「あなたとあなたの娘さんを見ていると、よく自分の父親を思い出します。たいていの10代の女の子は父親を鬱陶しく思いますが、あなたと娘さんは何でそんなに仲がいいのですか?見ていて何だか微笑ましいです。」 「私の父は突然亡くなったのですが、私ももっと父親に甘えておけばよかったなと思います。父が亡くなる1年半前に一度だけ2人きりで旅行したことがあるのですが、今ではそれがすごくいい思い出です。」

    • eeyore5
    • 回答数1
  • has never been more ~

    This project has never been more consequential. の意味としてふさわしいのはどちらでしょうか。 1 このプロジェクトはあまり重要ではなかった。 2 このプロジェクトはこれまでないほど重要である。

  • 日本語に訳していただきたいです

    Yeah, indeed (^^); But honestly, I do think that I will look weird with longer hair (>_<) Mullet was kinda the symbol of the crazy haircuts in the 1980s ww But mullets attract some attention independently of their popularity w Who knows w Maybe we wouldn't have a boyfriend/girlfriend when we are able to see each other w Maybe we can meet ourselves soon too! Yeah, indeed. Also, depending of the region, the floods here aren't really scary and nothing to really worry about. Plus, I think it's more safer living in Japan than Brazil, even with the earthquakes, to be honest. Now isn't raining here, but sky now is pretty cloudy ww So, your supernatural powers aren't that powerful (=ω=) www Not really afraid, but a bit bothered with them w Specially that there an mobile phone tower close to my home which serves as a lightning rod too (>_<) Springs are mostly hot and somehow they're not too much rainy like summer and autumn :3 Do you have cold springs there in Japan? Yes, it's that incident. It occurred around 1996, if I'm remembering right. People there even related that they found an alien too! Indeed it's really an interesting incident ^^ You have indeed a good luck there (^^) Plus, that photo make me wish more that I could be there enjoying the cherry blossoms :3

  • VOAニュースのビデオとスクリプト

    VOAのHPからビデオつきのニュースが欲しいとき、どうやってそのニュースに行けますか。 それからVOAのPodcastのトランスクリプトはどこかにありますか。 VOA以外でやさしめのスクリプトつきニュースのサイトが合ったら紹介してください。 たくさんお願いすることがありますが、 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語翻訳お願いいたします。

    「明日の朝11時に写真をアップロードします。」 を英語翻訳お願いいたします。

  • 英語の能力テストについて

    大学生なのですが近々英語の能力テストを受けようと思ってます 受けようと思った矢先、英語の能力テストの種類が色々あるのでどれを受ければいいかわかりません どのテストがどういうのかを教えて下さい

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします!!

    Nasty Galという海外ショッピングサイトでお買い物をしたのですが、2ヶ月経っても商品が届かない為、返金希望のメールを送り、返信がきたのですが、翻訳機で翻訳をしてもいまいち意味が分からず困っております。どなたか英語が得意な方、翻訳をお願い致します。 I'm so sorry to hear your package has still not arrived. I completely understand your disappointment and truly apologize for the delay. Because First Class Mail is such an inexpensive shipping service, tracking is not available and we are not able to see where the package is or what issues the package may have encountered. At this time, I have issued you a store credit in the amount of $267.00 for your order #5841497. To access your store credit please log into your Nasty Gal account. The store credit will show in your account details. At checkout the store credit will automatically be applied to your next order. In the future I'd suggest selecting either Priority or Express Mail Service. If you'd still prefer First Class, please have the package sent to your work or a different address (if possible) as your current address may be undeliverable. Thank you so much for your patience during this process. If I can help you with anything else please let me know!

  • 英語の質問です!

    この日本語を英語に直してほしいです。 なぜならこのテキストはコンパクトで持ち運びやすく、その上効率よく英語の勉強ができるからです。 高校レベルの英語で訳してほしいです。 回答よろしくお願いしますm(__)m

  • 英語に訳していただきたいです

    そんなの見てみないと分からないよ! 昔流行った髪型なんだね 周りの人がしてない髪型なら人目を引きそうね ありがとう でも、いつになる事やら……ww その頃にはお互いに恋人が出来てそうねw やっぱり地域に合った暮らしになるのね~ 日本はやっぱり洪水より、地震かな… また私の超能力で雨が降ったのねww ちょっと怖くなりだしたわ^^; そんなに雷が多いなら怖くないんじゃない?www 私は滅多に温泉に入らないから猿が羨ましいわ ブラジルって温泉あるの? UFOの中の生命体は彼女だったのねw incidente de Varginhaね こんな事があったなんて初めて知ったよ! 興味深い事件ね どこにでも咲いてるよ! 梅の木は私の家でも植えてるよ 桜はもうすぐすると、桜並木って言って一直線に植えられた桜が見れるよ!

  • 日本語に訳していただきたいです

    Well, I bet you wouldn't really like me with long hair (^~^); Yes, he is mostly known by his mullet. w Mullet were popular in Brazil during the 1980s and in the 1990s As far as I know, nowadays only people from Argentina and USA truck drivers does use mullets. ww Someday you can see them directly (^-^) I would like to see your cute face personally too! I wish it can happen soon. Yeah, it is a bit far from areas that can be affected by flooding. It depends on the luck, but I still haven't see myself any fish www Yeah, it's indeed sad. But people now are used to the flooding. You might really have superpowers. w Since it started to rain again after I saw your message. ww But the rain was short now (^^) I don't like the sound of thunder (>_<) But I bet you will love them here in Sao Paulo~ They're really frequent. w But still, it's really an interesting fact. Monkeys do have a pretty luxurious life there in Japan ww Maybe yes. w It will be nice to see her on a UFO cutely like that~ Honestly, I hadn't the luck on seeing one. But I heard some histories about UFOs here in Brazil. There's even a city famed for one UFO history in 1996 :3 I think I heard the name "ume" once, but I never knew it's meaning. That's really nice! The beautiful moment of the plum blossoms! :3 Does Oita have tons of cherry blossoms and plum blossoms in spring?

  • 英文を日本語に訳していただきたいです。

    Every language has an expression for greeting people. ゛Kon´nichiwa゛is a Japanese standard greeting . ちなみに short from でなんと訳しますか? 英語がまったくできなくて、自分なりに辞書を使って訳してみたのですが、 自信がないのでお願いします。

  • 気まぐれに英訳 > 貧乏性

    ネットで見た文章です。 「ぼくは、貧乏性なのか、果実のなる木が好きです。」 これを英訳するとすれば、 I am not sure whether I favor the poverty. I like trees bearing fruits. 訂正をお願いいたします。

  • 英語に訳してもらえませんか?

    長い髪のあなたも見てみたいわ そのヘアスタイルは彼にとってトレードマークだったのね ブラジルではよくマレットは流行ってるの? ブラジルまでは遠いけど、直接あなたの目をみたいな あなたの家は水があるところから遠いのね 洪水って魚も流れてくるの?w 洪水に見舞われている家って大変だね 何だか私に超能力でもあるのかしらw あなたのメールを見た時はいつも晴れるわw 雷の音って大好きよ♪ さすがに人間と猿は一緒には入らないよ 猿専用の温泉ね 可愛いね これだったかもね 中にはこの女の子がいるのかなw あなたってUFO見たことある? そう、“sakura”だよ! 梅は”ume“っていうの 今私の地域は梅が満開だよ!

  • 英語の質問です!

    American restaurants have invaded t he food markets of many countries. Nowadays, we can easily find Americ an fast food restaurants all over Asia. In Kore a,there is always more than o ne American restaurant in town. In Downtown Seoul we can even find Burger King across the street from M cDonalds. Inside there American restaurants,it l ooks almost the same as in the Unite d States. The uniforms of the waiters are exact ly the same,and they play American music. The problem is that goods:they try to sell American culture as well. Fast food is becoming more and mor e popular all around the world even t hough it threatens people's health. H amburgers and pizza have a lot fat, a n d the ingredients in them are not al ways of good quality. Large fast food companies only want to make a profi t, and many consumers who think "fa st service" is the most important thin g prefer such meals for lanch, and ev en dinner. In response to this invasion, I propos e "Slow Foof",a new idea (that) protest s the spread of fast food. Followers of the Slow Food Movement are interest ed in reviving traditional meals. The movement is not only about meals;it is related to overall modern culture. Supporters of the movement want us to have the fast-paced lifestyle we lea d. They think people should keep thei r ethnic tastes and recipes.They enco ur age eating the fish,natural foods of traditional diets. They feel eating cust oms are an important part of each tr aditional culture and they think eatin g leisurely can make our lives happier and more worthwhite. (3),they are protesting the spread of fast food and hope every country in the w orld will try to preserve its unique, tr aditional food. 1.(3)に入る最も適切な語を一つ選びなさい。 (1)Nevertheless (2)Therefore (3)Even so (4)On the countrary 2.Slow food の支持者が私たちに対して激励していることはどんなことか。日本語で2点、具体的に説明しなさい。 3.(that)のthatと同じ用法のthatを含む文を一つ選びなさい。 (1)It was so dark that I could not recognize who the man was. (2)He was the first man that came to our party.  (3)I took it for granted that she would agree. (4)I was surprised at the news that they had got married. お願いします!

  • 英語の質問です!

    1.We (    ) lunch when the telephone rang. (1)having (2)was having (3)were having (4)will have 2.If you don‘t book now,all the tickets (    ) by the time you call. (1)are sold (2)will be selling (3)have been sold (4)will have been sold 3.My elementary school teacher said the earth (   ) round. (1)be (2)had been (3)were (4)is 4.Sometimes our teacher did not (    ) an English dictionary. (1)allow us to use (2)allow us using (3)allow us to using (4)allow us use 5.The new road will (    ) cars to reach Washington, D.C.twenty minutes earlier.(1)bring (2)enable (3)fast (4)make 1.今朝からずっと喉が痛いのです。(1語不要) I (a/been/have/since/throat/had/sore) this morning. 2.朝は大変寒かった。ベッドから離れられないほどだった。 It was so cold this morning that I (found/get/hard/it/of/out/to) bed. 3.年齢のせいで彼女は別の仕事を得るのが難しかった。 Her (another/difficult/to get/job/it/made/age). 4.Children of six (are not permitted/and under/to use/unless/the swimming pool) they are with an adult. お願いします!

  • 同格のthatのイメージ

    I was amazed to see that our utility bills came to so much. 例えばこの文で使われているseeですが、SVOの用法でthat節を目的語に取っていると思います。 that our utility bills came to so much全体が目的語で、更に同格のthatを用いて、that=our utility~と解釈しています。そしてこのthatは、seeというよく使われる動詞の目的語に取られているので省略可能だと考えています。ここまでは合っていますか? この目的語にとるthatですが、英文をイメージする際に混乱します。 このような動詞+that~はどういう風にイメージすれば良いのでしょうか?

    • aimury
    • 回答数2
  • 海外のデザイナーさんへのメール翻訳をお願いします

    はじめまして。 日本でイラストレーターをしています。 このたび、海外のデザイナーさんが日本に来るので一緒に打ち合わせをすることになりました。 以下の内容をメールで送りたいです。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー こんにちは。 日本のイラストレーターの●●です。 あなたが日本に来ることが今からとても楽しみです。 私は英語ができないので、打ち合わせには英語のできる私の親戚も一緒に行きます。 できれば打ち合わせは12日、13日がいいと思っていますがあなたの予定はどうですか? 場所や時間のやりとりは私の親戚(○○さん)と連絡をとって下さい。 スムーズにやりとりができると思います。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー どうぞよろしくお願いします。

    • noname#176057
    • 回答数1
  • 日本語に訳していただきたいです

    For some people, shorter hair could look attractive. But I do honestly prefer more longer hair (^-^) The hair of this man, called Chris Waddle, is indeed unique :3 Too bad that he shaved his mullet in the 1990 World Cup. ww Also, no no, I'm not a beautician (^^) I'm just a "mullet specialist" lol I do know some of the hairstyles more just of curiousity, to be honest. Yeah, I think I should really have more self-confidence about them. Thank you! Yeah, it's a kinda of an old problem here in Sao Paulo. No, I don't have the luck on climbing on the top of my roof, since the overflow doesn't come here ww :3 Well, we could try to learn someday on the overflows in a try & error style ww Funnily enough, after I saw your message, it started to rain heavily www I had to shutdown everything for a good while, there were a huge number of thunders today (>_<) Wow, I never know that either japanese monkeys do take a bath together with men in winter. Now I'm pretty impressed wwww Who knows what it could be, it could be this UFO: :3 Interesting, and the plum blossoms looks beautiful! Indeed, they look very similar. But how plum blossoms are called in Japan? So far I know, cherry blossoms are called there "sakura".

  • 英語に訳していただきたいです

    短い方がもっとかっこいいかもね! 彼、面白い髪型してるのね たくさんのヘアスタイルを知ってるってことはあなたは美容師なの? あなたの目は本当に素敵だから自信持って! サンパウロって洪水になるんだね 初めて聞いたよ 屋根の上に登るって大変じゃないの? あなたの家族はみんな屋根の上に登る慣れてそうねw あなたも泳げないのねw 泳ぎ方を教えてもらおうと思ったのにw 日本の猿は冬になると温泉に入るのよ~ あ!昨日星空を見に山に行ったの そうしたらUFOみたいなのを見たんだ! ありがとう! 桜の前に梅っていうのが咲くの 見た目は大きくは変わらないんだけど、それが今咲いてるの