sayshe の回答履歴

  • 日本語訳を頼みます。

    お願いします 1 The world is becoming a "global village" right before our eyes. English is emerging as the international language. It is the first language of many nations and a second language in countries such as India and Nigeria. 2 Why is English so adaptable? Its history provides one clue. English has always been open to new words from different tongues. This is not the situation in France, Italy, or Spain, where language academies have kept their respective languages free of foreign words.

  • 英語質問

    以下の文章を和訳して頂きたいです。 かなり困って居ます><宜しくお願いします。 (1)I had a sister who had diabetes.She died when she was 39. If she had lived a century ago, she would have been dead by the age of 14. Had she been born today, she probably would have lived a full life because gene therapy would soon be able to replace her defective ganes. My parents told me Andrea had diabetes when I was a high school student in California. And later, I learned Andrea would have the disease forever and would be taking shots every day of her life so she could live. I knew it was serious. Without insulin, Andrea's cells would die even though she had plenty of suger in her blood. Each day she would measure her suger level and them inject insulin into her thigh. (2)Time passed, and I went to Colorado Callege. Andrea went to the University of Southern California. I think that USC was a good choice for her. She went to classes, parties, and maintained her California blonde good looks. She graduated, married a lawyer-to-be, adopted a child because of repeated miscarriages due to her diabetes, and got divorced-a typical American story except for the diabetes. (3)Andrea, along with the rest of my family, remainded in California while I was moving about the country getting an education, as well as being a wife and mother of two children. I settled on the opposite side of the country in Buffalo, New York. (4)One day Andrea came to Buffalo. We soon learned she was going blind. She told us that only an operation would help her eyes. Her physicians did not hold out much hope because of her lifelong treatment with inslin; although it had saved her life, it had also caused malfunctioning in her circulatory system. Her eyes were only part of the problem; her entire cardiovascular system was compromised. The operation, in fact, would be dangerous. (5)My sister was adament. She had tired going to classes designed to help patients who were going blind. She said she would rather be dead than blind. She was going forward with the operation, which would be in a couple of weeks. (6)Andrea died on the operating table at the age of 39. It was cardiac arrest, not an uncommon fate for diabetics whose cardiovascular systems were compromised. She had visited me to say goodbye-except I did not know it.

    • ciel180
    • 回答数1
  • 英語問題

    かなり急いでます(汗 以下の文章を翻訳お願いします>< (1)Acromegaly is an endocrine disorder symptoms of which include rapid weight gain and a round face often referred to as a "moon face." (2)Cushing symdrome is caused by overproduction of thyroid hormones and results in weight loss anxiety fatigue, hair loss, irritability, and sweating. (3)TypeII diabetes mellitus is characterized by loss of the insulin-producing cells, leading to a deficiency of insulin. (4)Hyperthyroidism is a syndrome caused by excess growth hormone often associated with severe headache and arthritis. (5)Hypoglycemia means pathologic state of excessively lower level of blood suger. (6)TypeI diabetes mellitus is characterized by insulin resistance or reduced insulin sensitivity.

    • ciel180
    • 回答数1
  • 英語質問

    かなり急いでます>< 以下の文章を和訳お願いします。 (1) Pt: I get tired easily and I'm always thirsty, so I need something to drink all the time. Dr: Your FRG is 200mg/dl, way above normal. Do you have any family members with a history of diabetes? Pt: Well... my aunt was diabetic. Dr: Are you pregnant now? Pt: No, but my period is overdue. (2) Mt: Her urinary glucose is positive. Dr: What about other data? Mt: Her CPG is 300mg/dl, 75 OGTT is 280 mg/dl. Dr: Have you checked HbAlc? Mt: It's also positive. Dr: I think she has typeIIdiabetes. (3) Pharmacist: Have you seen the dietician for your dietary program? Patient: Yes, I have. Pharmacist: I'll give you acarbose. Take three tables three times a day. Patient: What does this "pc" stand for? Pharmacist: Oh, that means "after meals."

    • ciel180
    • 回答数1
  • 和訳の訂正をお願いします。

    英文の和訳の添削をお願いします。 “Most of our people were focused on getting people off roofs and out of the water,” said one police officer. 「われわれ警察のほとんどが、屋根から、そして水から人々をつかまえることに集中した」と、1人の警官が言った。 “There were not enough people in the city to rescue and distribute food and water to those who needed help.” 「救助を必要とした人々に救い、食物と水を配布するのに、十分な人数の人々が都市にいなかった。」 Looting of stores was common. 店からの強奪行為は普通だった。 “I’ve looted,” said Matthew, 35. 「私は盗みをした」と、マシュー(35歳)は言った。 “But only to keep my family and myself alive.They left us here for days without any food or water, like we were just supposed to die. 「しかし、私の家族と自分自身を生きていくためだけだった。我々が水も食べ物もなく、死ぬと思われ、彼らは何日も我々のもとをここから去った。 So we had to loot or die.” だから、我々は盗みをするかもしくは死ななければならなかった。」 A borrowed hotel curtain hung over street signs provided shelter for one large extended family. 街路標識の上に掛けられるホテル借りられたカーテンは、1つの大きな大家族に保護を与えた。 “I was starting to think it was going to be our home forever,” Kenneth, 47, said. 「私は、それが永遠に私たちの家になったと思い始めていた」と、ケニス(47歳)は言った。 “They told us every day that buses were going to take us to shelters. It was just lies and more lies.” 「彼らは、毎日バスが我々を避難所へ運ぼうとしていると私たちに話した。それは、すべてうそだった。」 People lived without running water or toilets as they waited for help. 人々は救助を待ったので、水道水またはトイレなしで生活した。 Dead bodies were left on streets. 死体は、通りの上に残された。 It was days before the government gained control of the city and the remaining people were taken to safety. それは政府が都市の統制を得る前に、残りの人々が安全なところへ連れて行かれた日だった。 Some experts believe that rebuilding New Orleans isn’t a good idea. 専門家には、ニューオリンズを再建することが良い考えでないと信じている者もいる。 Currently, even a hurricane of average strength could cause flooding in the city again. 現在では、平均的な強さのハリケーンでさえ、再び都市で氾濫が起きることがありえた。 Global warming is raising sea levels each year, and to make things worse, the land beneath New Orleans is sinking at a rate of up to 2.5 centimeters a year. 地球温暖化は毎年海面を上げている、また状況を悪くするものとして、ニューオリンズの下の土地は1年につき2.5センチメートルの割合で沈んでいる。 However, despite the risk, two-thirds of the people who left have returned to help rebuild the city they love. 危険にもかかわらず、去った人々の3分の2は、彼らの愛する都市を再建するのを手伝うために戻った。

    • monoomo
    • 回答数3
  • 和訳を教えて下さい。

    自分なりに訳してみたのですが、アドバイスをお願いします。 長文ですみません。 Hurricane Katrina, which struck the U.S. Gulf Coast in August 2005, was one of the costliest natural disasters in U.S. history both economically and in terms of lives lost. 2005年8月に米国メキシコ湾岸にぶつかったハリケーン・カトリーナは、アメリカの歴史上、経済的にも失われる命に関してももっとも大きな損害をだした天災の1つだった。 Damage to the city of New Orleans was estimated at more than 22 billion dollars. ニューオリンズ市への損害は、220億ドル以上と推定された。 Over one million people were forced out of the city, and nearly 1,500 people lost their lives. 100万人以上は都市から追い出され、そしてほぼ1500人の人々が命を失った。 A day before Hurricane Katrina passed close to New Orleans, residents were ordered to leave the city. ハリケーン・カトリーナがニューオリンズの近くを通り過ぎた前日に、居住者は都市を出発するよう命令された。 Unfortunately, tens of thousands of people ignored were order or were unable to leave. 残念なことに、何万人もが、命令を無視する、もしくは立ち去らなかった。 When Hurricane Katrina hit, water broke through the system of levees and flood walls constructed by government engineers. ハリケーン・カトリーナがぶつかったとき、水は政府の技術者によって建設された堤防と洪水の壁の仕組みを突破した。 Many people in low-lying sectors of the city were forced up onto their roofs by the flood water and waited for help to come by boat or helicopter. 都市の低地域の多くの人々は、洪水によって屋根の上へ押し上げられ、ボートまたはヘリコプターによる救助を待ちました。 Circumstances soon grew worse. 状況は、すぐにより悪くなった。 There were not enough police left in the city, so people were not only exposed to dangerous floodwaters but also to widespread crime. 都市に残される十分な警察がいなかったので、人々は危険な洪水にさらされるだけでなく、広範囲にわたる犯罪にあった。

    • monoomo
    • 回答数1
  • 英語の問題

    仮定法を使います (1)英訳 1 こんなに肌寒くなければ、川に泳ぎに  行くのだけど。(肌寒く chilly) 2 もしあなたが会合に出席していたら、  私はあなたに会っていたでしょう。(  出席する attend) 3 もしも昨日天気がよかったならば、私  達はテニスができたのに。 4 あなたはもう少し早く起きていたら、  その列車を逃すことはなかったのに。  (逃す miss) (2)適切な語を空所にいれる 石油を使わなくても生活できさえすればいいんだけど If only we ___ ___ without using oil. そうね。もしも世界に車がなければ、空気はもっときれいになるでしょう You're right. If there ___ ___ cars in the world, the air ___ ___ cleaner. 枯れた森林を再生できれば、地球温暖化やわ止められるかもしれませんよ If we ___ revive the dead forests, we ___ be able to ___ global warming. (3)( )内を正しい形にし当てはめる If you ___ a million yen in the lottery,what would you do. (win) You would be surprised if I ___ you the truth. (tell) Jhon would come if he ___ the time. (have) I wish you ___ here now. (be)

  • 英訳お願いします

    高校の英語の授業で有名人の紹介をしなければなりません。 ・私はビールや食品などの多くのテレビコマーシャルに出演しています。 高1がわかる簡単な文章でお願いします。

    • uruso
    • 回答数1
  • 英文にお願いします。

    警告しておくよ、この川は泳ぐのには危険だよ I warn you:this river ______________________________. 急ごう。時間のゆとりがない Hurry up. We____________________________________________. 姉は年に一度、海外旅行をすることにしている My sister_______________________________once a year. 友達を見送りに駅まで行ってきたところです。 __________________________________________________________

  • 並べ替えお願いします

    電車の中で携帯電話で話すのはマナー違反です It[to/on a mobile phone/bad manners/is/talk]in the train. ミカには5か国語を習得したいという強い願望がある Mika[a/master/desire/strong/has/to]five languages. 選挙で最も急を要する問題は、どの候補者に決めるかということだ The most urgent question in the election is [decide/candidate/on/to/which] 英語の能力を上達させるには、語いを増やすべきだ You[improve/your/increase/so as/should/vocabulary/to]your English ability. タイタニック号の乗客たちは歓喜して英国を出発したが、再び故国を見ることはなかった。 The passengers of the Titanic [their native land again/to/see/never/left England joyously/,]

  • 英訳お願いいたします

    「あなたの願いが叶いますように」を英訳するとどうなりますか? 教えてください

  • 英語 英訳してください。

    主語+動詞+間接目的語+直接目的語 1水を一杯(a glass of)持ってきて下さい。 2だれがあなたにその話をしましたか。 3彼らは私にパリ(Paris)の写真を数枚見せてくれた。 4君はこの手紙を誰に(Who to?/To whom?)書いたのですか。 5明日この小包(parcel)をメアリーとジェーンに送って下さい。 6空港へ行く道(the way to)を教えてくれませんか。 7私はこのネクタイは好きではない。違うの(a different one)を見せて下さい。 8彼は娘の花子に新しいドレスを買ってやった。 9コーヒーをいれましょうか、お茶をいれましょうか。 10私はまだ洋服屋(tailor)に二万円の借りがある(owe)。

  • 英語 英訳してください。

    will you+動詞+間接目的語+直接目的語? 1私にあなたの辞典を貸してくれませんか。 2私たちに英語の歌を歌ってくれませんか。 3彼女にこれらの絵を送ってくれませんか。 4私たちにその話をしてくれませんか。 5私たちにその地図を見せてくれませんか。 please+動詞+間接目的語+直接目的語 1私にバターを取って下さい。 2私にその新聞を取って(get)下さい。 3彼にこの手紙を渡して(hand)下さい。 4あなたの新しい車を見せて下さい。 5私たちにお名前とご住所を教えて下さい。

  • 英語 英訳してください。

    お願い致します。 主語+動詞+目的語+疑問詞節 1手に何を持っているか見せてごらん。 2私はどれほど幸福か言葉では言い表せません。 3誰にもその山の高さが分からない。 4彼が僕たちと一緒にそこへ行くかどうか彼に聞いてみよう。 5車掌(conductor)さんにこの列車は静岡で停車するかどうか聞いてごらん。 6どうしたら英語を上手に話せるか教えて下さい。 7私がなぜロシア語を勉強することにした(have decided to)かお教えしましょう。 8その本はどこで手に入るのかを教えて(inform)下さい。 9水戸へ行くにはこの道でいい(the right road for)のかどうか教えて下さい。 10大学へ進学すべきかどうか教えて(advice)下さい。

  • 英語 問題

    お願い致します。 ask (a parson) whether (if) ~ 1彼にそれを知っているかどうか聞いてみなさい。 2彼に英語を話せるかどうか聞いてみなさい。 3彼女にこの夏は泳ぎに言ったかどうか聞いてみなさい。 4彼女にその本を読んだかどうか聞いてみなさい。 5トムに日本が好きかどうか聞いてみなさい。 can you tell me where (when, how, etc.)~? 1その建物はどこにあるか教えて下さい。 2彼がどこに住んでいるのか教えて下さい。 3その塔はどのくらいの高さがあるか教えて下さい。 4誰がテレビを発明したか教えて下さい。 5いつ彼が戻るか教えて下さい。

  • 和訳お願いします 訂正版です

    和訳お願いします Owen and his collaborators repeated their fMRI experiments on 54 patients who had previously been classified as either vegetative or minimally conscious(a condition in which a patient may inconsistently respond to commands, but cannot communicate interactively). They found that five of these 54 patients responded to commands to imagine playing tennis or navigating though a familiar house. Four of those five patients had classified as vegetative, but when clinicians repeated their assessment following the fMRI study, they found evidence that two of those four should instead have been classified as minimally conscious. One of the responsive patients, a 22-year-old man who had been diagnosed as vegetative for five years after a traffic accident left him with a traumatic brain injury, was selected for further study. Because it is difficult-if not impossible-to determine whether someone is thinking yes or no, the reseachers instead asked the patient to imagine playing tennis when the answer to imagine playing tennis when the answer to a question was yes, and to imagine walking through a house when the answer was no. Visualizing these two activities stimulates different parts of the brain that are easily distinguished using fMRI. They asked the patient a series of simple yes-or-no question pertaining to his personal history, such as Is your father's name Alexander? He answered five out of six question correctly. No brain activity was observed in response to the sixth question. The results suggest that fMRI could be useful in diagnosing unresponsive patients, says Owen. There are things that are just not going to manifest themselves in outward behavior , says Owen. This method can tell us which patients are aware, and it can tell us what they are capable of. For Naccache, it is the patient's ability to respond using the code suggested by Owen and his team that indicates he is truly conscious. When you are conscious, you have the ability to use an arbitrary code to communicate with somebody, he says. Parashkev Nachev, a neuroscientist at University College London who was not affiliated with the work, cautions that it is important not to over-interpret the results. The patient only answered a series of very basic questions, he notes, and the results in his view do not necessarily suggest that the patient is fully conscious or has the potential for recovery. There is no doubt that it does merit further research, he says, but I could not see using it as a clinical tool at this stage. As a next step, Owen and his colleagues intend to ask the patient a series of questions with unverifiable answers. For example, the technique could be used to ask whether they are experiencing any pain-a question that frequently troubles family members and hospital staff. But should a vegetative patient be asked whether they want to live or die? I think there's an enormous problem with that, says Owen. Just because a patient is able to respond with yes or no doesn't tell you if they have the necessary level of competence to answer difficult, ethically challenging questions about their destiny.

  • 和訳お願いします 訂正版です

    和訳お願いします Owen and his collaborators repeated their fMRI experiments on 54 patients who had previously been classified as either vegetative or minimally conscious(a condition in which a patient may inconsistently respond to commands, but cannot communicate interactively). They found that five of these 54 patients responded to commands to imagine playing tennis or navigating though a familiar house. Four of those five patients had classified as vegetative, but when clinicians repeated their assessment following the fMRI study, they found evidence that two of those four should instead have been classified as minimally conscious. One of the responsive patients, a 22-year-old man who had been diagnosed as vegetative for five years after a traffic accident left him with a traumatic brain injury, was selected for further study. Because it is difficult-if not impossible-to determine whether someone is thinking yes or no, the reseachers instead asked the patient to imagine playing tennis when the answer to imagine playing tennis when the answer to a question was yes, and to imagine walking through a house when the answer was no. Visualizing these two activities stimulates different parts of the brain that are easily distinguished using fMRI. They asked the patient a series of simple yes-or-no question pertaining to his personal history, such as Is your father's name Alexander? He answered five out of six question correctly. No brain activity was observed in response to the sixth question. The results suggest that fMRI could be useful in diagnosing unresponsive patients, says Owen. There are things that are just not going to manifest themselves in outward behavior , says Owen. This method can tell us which patients are aware, and it can tell us what they are capable of. For Naccache, it is the patient's ability to respond using the code suggested by Owen and his team that indicates he is truly conscious. When you are conscious, you have the ability to use an arbitrary code to communicate with somebody, he says. Parashkev Nachev, a neuroscientist at University College London who was not affiliated with the work, cautions that it is important not to over-interpret the results. The patient only answered a series of very basic questions, he notes, and the results in his view do not necessarily suggest that the patient is fully conscious or has the potential for recovery. There is no doubt that it does merit further research, he says, but I could not see using it as a clinical tool at this stage. As a next step, Owen and his colleagues intend to ask the patient a series of questions with unverifiable answers. For example, the technique could be used to ask whether they are experiencing any pain-a question that frequently troubles family members and hospital staff. But should a vegetative patient be asked whether they want to live or die? I think there's an enormous problem with that, says Owen. Just because a patient is able to respond with yes or no doesn't tell you if they have the necessary level of competence to answer difficult, ethically challenging questions about their destiny.

  • 英字新聞を長文を配信しているサイトについて


  • 困っています英語に翻訳して下さい。

    こんにちは(名前)さん 私は、8月1日から8月13日迄あなたのアパートを予約しました。 日本の(名前)です。 8月1日の入居日の待ち合わせと、時間を連絡します。 私は、アパートの前で午後4時を希望します、それでいいですか? また、8月13日の退室は午前10時を希望します。 パリへ行くのがとても楽しみです。 アパートからの眺望もきっと素晴らしいのでしょうね。 それでは、ご連絡をお待ちしてます。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願い致します。

    英語の翻訳をよろしくお願い致します。 A good initial question to ask after greeting the patient is "open-ended," such as "Well,how have you been since I saw you last?" Such a question may lead to an explosion of information. A "caring" dentist is more likely to have patients who "care" about their oral hygiene.

    • mrnmoon
    • 回答数3