• 締切済み


下記のマクロで、A1の語句をGoogle検索して、 上位5位のタイトル・URLをA2~A11へ記入できます。 そのA1に語句、A2~A11に上位5位というのを、 A1に語句、B1~K1に上位5位という風に変更したいです。 A1(語句)|A2(タイトル)|A3(URL)| ↓ A1(語句)|B1(タイトル)|C1(URL)| という感じです。 もう一つ、 途中でロボットでない証明のクリックがあります。 そのため、マクロを止めざるおえないです。 改めて、マクロを再開する時に、 最後に取得した語句から始めるようにしたいです。 これらは、どのようなマクロの記述になるでしょうか? EXCEL2016です。 よろしくお願いいたします。 '//標準モジュール Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Dim objIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer '参照設定 Microsoft Internet Contorls Dim oHTML As HTMLDocument '参照設定 Microsoft HTML Object Library Sub Main()  Dim c As Range  Dim enSrTxt As String  Dim counter As Long  On Error GoTo ErrHandler  Const BASEURL As String = "https://www.google.co.jp/search?q="  With ActiveSheet   Set objIE = Nothing   For Each c In .Range("A1", .Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft))    If c.Value <> "" Then     If c.Value Like "*[ぁ-龠]*" Then      enSrTxt = EnUtf8(c.Value)     Else      enSrTxt = c.Value     End If     Call getIE(BASEURL & enSrTxt)     'Application.Wait TimeSerial(0, 0, 10) '遅くしていた元凶     Sleep 500     counter = counter + 1    End If   Next c  End With ErrHandler:  If Err <> 0 Then   MsgBox Err.Description  End If End Sub Sub getIE(ByVal strURL As String)  Dim cnt As Long  Dim cl As Object  Dim c As Range  Dim nm As Long  Set oHTML = New HTMLDocument  If objIE Is Nothing Then   Set objIE = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer  End If  Set c = Cells(2, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft) '二行目で計る  If c.Value <> "" Then nm = c.Column + 1 Else nm = c.Column  With objIE   .Visible = True   .navigate strURL   Do While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop   Set oHTML = .document  End With   Call outputLog(oHTML, nm)   Set cl = objIE.document.getElementsByClassName("csb ch")   cl(1).Click   DoEvents   Sleep 500   Do While objIE.Busy Or objIE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop   Set oHTML = objIE.document  Cells(1, nm).EntireColumn.AutoFit  Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub outputLog(oHTML As HTMLDocument, nm As Long)  Dim buf As Variant  Dim j As Long, i As Long, k As Long  Dim gLinks As Object  Dim mTitle As Variant  Dim cnt As Long  j = Cells(Rows.Count, nm).End(xlUp).Row + 1  With oHTML   Set mTitle = oHTML.getElementsByClassName("LC20lb")   Set gLinks = oHTML.getElementsByClassName("TbwUpd")   If gLinks.Length > 0 Then    If (gLinks.Length - 1) > 4 Then cnt = 4 Else cnt = gLinks.Length - 1    For i = 0 To cnt '' 5コまで、     Cells(j, nm).Value = mTitle(i).innerText     buf = gLinks(i).ParentNode.href     If InStr(1, buf, "%") > k Then buf = DecodeUTF8(buf)     Cells(j + 1, nm).Value = buf     Cells(j + 1, nm).Font.ColorIndex = 4 'フォントの色     j = j + 2     buf = ""    Next   End If  End With End Sub Private Function EnUtf8(ByRef strSource As String) As String  'Encode  Dim objSC As Object  Set objSC = CreateObject("ScriptControl")  objSC.Language = "Jscript"  EnUtf8 = objSC.CodeObject.encodeURIComponent(strSource)  Set objSC = Nothing End Function Private Function DecodeUTF8(ByVal strSearch As String)  'Decord  If strSearch = "" Then Exit Function  With CreateObject("ScriptControl")   .Language = "JScript"   With .CodeObject    DecodeUTF8 = .decodeURI(strSearch)   End With  End With End Function


  • HohoPapa
  • ベストアンサー率65% (455/693)

>途中でロボットでない証明のクリックがあります これがよくわかりませんし、当方では再現できないので、 出力レイアウトの変更と >改めて、マクロを再開する時に、 >最後に取得した語句から始めるようにしたいです。 の対応をしてみました。 Option Explicit '//標準モジュール Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)   Dim objIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer '参照設定 Microsoft Internet Contorls   Dim oHTML As HTMLDocument '参照設定 Microsoft HTML Object Library '//---------------------- Sub Main()  Dim enSrTxt As String  Dim CntR As Long  Dim counter As Long  Const BASEURL As String = "https://www.google.co.jp/search?q="    On Error GoTo ErrHandler  With ActiveSheet   Set objIE = Nothing   counter = 0   If .Cells(1, 2).Value <> "" Then    CntR = .Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row + 1   Else    CntR = 1   End If      Do    If .Cells(CntR, 1).Value = "" Then Exit Do    If .Cells(CntR, 1).Value Like "*[ぁ-龠]*" Then     enSrTxt = EnUtf8(.Cells(CntR, 1).Value)    Else     enSrTxt = .Cells(CntR, 1).Value    End If    Call getIE(BASEURL & enSrTxt, CntR)    'Application.Wait TimeSerial(0, 0, 10) '遅くしていた元凶    Sleep 500    counter = counter + 1    CntR = CntR + 1   Loop   '.Columns("A:K").EntireColumn.AutoFit   'MsgBox Format(counter, "0") & "件完了"  End With   ErrHandler:  If Err <> 0 Then   MsgBox Err.Description  End If End Sub '//---------------------- Sub getIE(ByVal strURL As String, RowNum As Long)  Dim cnt As Long  Dim cl As Object  Set oHTML = New HTMLDocument  If objIE Is Nothing Then   Set objIE = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer  End If  With objIE   .Visible = True   .navigate strURL   Do While .Busy Or .readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop   Set oHTML = .document  End With  Call outputLog(oHTML, RowNum)  Set cl = objIE.document.getElementsByClassName("csb ch")  cl(1).Click  DoEvents  Sleep 500  Do While objIE.Busy Or objIE.readyState <> 4: DoEvents: Loop  Set oHTML = objIE.document  Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub '//---------------------- Sub outputLog(oHTML As HTMLDocument, RowNum As Long)  Dim buf As Variant  Dim i As Long, k As Long  Dim gLinks As Object  Dim mTitle As Variant  Dim cnt As Long  With oHTML   Set mTitle = oHTML.getElementsByClassName("LC20lb")   Set gLinks = oHTML.getElementsByClassName("TbwUpd")   If gLinks.Length > 0 Then    If (gLinks.Length - 1) > 4 Then cnt = 4 Else cnt = gLinks.Length - 1    For i = 0 To cnt '' 5コまで、     ActiveSheet.Cells(RowNum, i * 2 + 2).Value = mTitle(i).innerText     buf = gLinks(i).ParentNode.href     If InStr(1, buf, "%") > k Then buf = DecodeUTF8(buf)     ActiveSheet.Cells(RowNum, i * 2 + 3).Value = buf     ActiveSheet.Cells(RowNum, i * 2 + 3).Font.ColorIndex = 4 'フォントの色     buf = ""    Next   End If  End With End Sub '//---------------------- Private Function EnUtf8(ByRef strSource As String) As String  'Encode  Dim objSC As Object  Set objSC = CreateObject("ScriptControl")  objSC.Language = "Jscript"  EnUtf8 = objSC.CodeObject.encodeURIComponent(strSource)  Set objSC = Nothing End Function '//---------------------- Private Function DecodeUTF8(ByVal strSearch As String)  'Decord  If strSearch = "" Then Exit Function  With CreateObject("ScriptControl")   .Language = "JScript"   With .CodeObject    DecodeUTF8 = .decodeURI(strSearch)   End With  End With End Function >途中でロボットでない証明のクリックがあります 画像を添付し、発生タイミングやサイクルなどを加え 質問を改めてもらえば識者からコメントを得られるかもしれません。
