It's hard to say. You probably can save some portion of college money if your daughter chooses a Japanese college within a commuting range. If she decides to go to school in a foreign country, it will be much expensive because it costs both livings (room and board) and tuitions. In the US, for example, college payment ranges from $20,000-$45,000 for public/state universities. For private universities, most of them cost at least $40,000 or higher.
I understand that. The first year is really challenging--new system, different language/culture environment, foods, school work etc. But once students can get the hang of it, most of them will assimilate into college life.
Many students find their life rock in a hard place for whatever reasons. I am not an exception for this. Finding some persons for help--friends, student counselors/international student office/doctors, etc., is strongly encouraged before the things get worse (i.e., depression).
I graduated both Japanese college and the US college(for BA and MA). Japanese college tends to go easy on the students, while American university requires students to study a lot (term papers, exams, presentations, etc).
Getting along with American students on/off campus is really worthwhile. Hanging out with people on weekly or monthly basis is a lot of fun. I enjoy going to the church service to meet new students every Sunday morning. Sharing traditional foods and customs with local host family in special occasions--such as the Thanksgiving Day or the Christmas is very enjoyable.