Cygwinのバージョン 1.7.17
GNU Make 3.81
$ make all
Compiling ../../ecrobot/../toppers_osek/kernel/alarm.c to alarm.o
Compiling ../../ecrobot/../toppers_osek/kernel/event.c to event.o
Compiling ../../ecrobot/../toppers_osek/kernel/interrupt.c to interrupt.o
Assembling ../../ecrobot/../toppers_osek/config/at91sam7s-gnu/irq.s to irq.oram
d: ERROR: build/nxtvm/platform/nxt/vectors.o uses hardware FP, whereas helloworl
d_OSEK_rom.elf uses software FP
d: failed to merge target specific data of file build/nxtvm/platform/nxt/vectors
d: ERROR: build/nxt_binary_header.o uses hardware FP, whereas helloworld_OSEK_ro
m.elf uses software FP
d: failed to merge target specific data of file build/nxt_binary_header.o
d: ERROR: build/nxt_entry_point.o uses hardware FP, whereas helloworld_OSEK_rom.
elf uses software FP
d: failed to merge target specific data of file build/nxt_entry_point.o
d: ERROR: build/ecrobot_init.o uses hardware FP, whereas helloworld_OSEK_rom.elf
uses software FP
d: failed to merge target specific data of file build/ecrobot_init.o
d: ERROR: ../../ecrobot/../ecrobot/libecrobot.a(ecrobot_device_hook.o) uses hard
ware FP, whereas helloworld_OSEK_rom.elf uses software FP
d: failed to merge target specific data of file ../../ecrobot/../ecrobot/libecro
d: ERROR: ../../ecrobot/../ecrobot/libecrobot.a(ecrobot_interface.o) uses hardwa
re FP, whereas
d: failed to merge target specific data of file build/nxtvm/platform/nxt/vectors
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [helloworld_OSEK_rom.elf] エラー 1
回答有難う御座います。 PDA購入迷います。 見ている画面は印刷可能なのでしょうか。