• ベストアンサー

The Dark Knight(ダークナイト)のCMで何と言っているのかが分かりません

下記URLのセリフ(英語)が何と言っているのかが分かりません 日本語訳は書かれているので良いのですが、英語はどうも苦手で・・・ http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWOwBsmeaO4 一部分はこれっぽい事は言ってると思うのですが・・・ 「See, to them, you're just a freak. Like me!」 できればセリフの全てが知りたいです(特にジョーカーやアルフレッド) もしご存知であれば教えてください


  • ベストアンサー
  • Danniel
  • ベストアンサー率29% (90/302)

#1の回答者です。 訳を参考にしながらもう一度頑張って聞いて見ました。 訂正版です。 You've changed things forever. They are no going back. See to them you're just a freak like me. What've we got? Nothing. No name, No xxxxx. Clothing is custom. Nothing is in the pockets, but line is in it. Evening, Tom missioner. Why are you so serious? Where is he? People are dying. What would you have me do? Endour. You could be the out of course. You could make a choice that no one else sacrifice. Right choice. Gotham needs you. A little fine you. I like that. You've got to love me. And that's more like a miss, Wein. It's all part of the plan. Come on, hit me. Let's put a smile on that face.



わざわざ訳していただきありがとうございました どんなセリフを話していたかがよく分かりました

その他の回答 (1)

  • Danniel
  • ベストアンサー率29% (90/302)

自信のないところもありますが...xxxの箇所は分かりませんでした。 You've changed things forever. They are no going back. See to them you're just a freak like me. What we got? Nothing. No name, No xxxx. Clothing is custom. Nothing is in the pockets, but line is in it. Evening, Tom missioner. Why are you so serious? Where is he? People are dying. Would you have me do? Endour. You could be the xxxx. You could make a choice no one else xxxx. Right choice. Gotham needs you. A little fine you. I like that. You get to love me. xxxxxxxxx, Wein. It's all part of the plan. Come on, hit me. Let's put a smile on that face.