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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:906シリーズが発売ですが。。。)

DoCoMo's New 906 Series: Price Reduction Rumors and Choosing the Best Model

  • Recently, there have been rumors circulating about a price reduction for DoCoMo's new 906 series. However, it seems that these rumors are actually referring to a price reduction for the 905 series or the 70 series, which occurred after the release of the 906 series. As for the 906 series itself, there have been no reports of a price reduction. This has led many people to wonder if the rumors are true or not.
  • Despite the lack of a price reduction, the new N906iμ model has caught the attention of many people. With its sleek design and thin form factor, it has become a favorite among those looking to upgrade their current devices. However, since the decision to switch to a new phone was made hastily, many people are unsure which model from the 906 series is the best choice. They are seeking guidance from experts and those familiar with the specifications of these phones.
  • If you have any recommendations or standout features to share about the 906 series, please let us know. Your insights would be greatly appreciated by those considering purchasing a phone from this series.


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値下げされるのは905iと705iで5000円程度だったと記憶しています。SO905i発売日に機種変更した身にはなんか損した気分にもなったりしますね 906iシリーズの中ではN906iμはいい選択だと個人的には思います。あの薄さでワンセグアンテナは内蔵ですからね。ただ、本体の色をもう少し考えて貰いたかったなとは思います 906iの中で自分が一番おススメするのはF906iですね。検索のしやすさという点と指紋センサーが気に入っています



お返事ありがとうございます! あの薄さ、最高です!色は・・・割と女性向きな感じですかね? 私は、まあラメが嫌いではないので許せますが、男性はどう思われてるのでしょう(笑) Fですか~ 以前ムーバでFを使いましたが、確かに諮問センサーはいいですよね! 906はまだN以外あまり見ていないのでFもネットでどんな感じか見てみたいと思います。
