California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (略してABC)のサイトです。
>Frequently Asked Questions
Q. 74. What is documentary evidence of age and identity?
A. To be suitable as evidence for a defense, the identification card must be issued by a governmental agency and have a current description and a picture of the person presenting it which reasonably describes the person as to date of birth weight, height, sex and color of eyes and hair. No defense will exist if the card has obviously been altered or has expired. A registration certificate issued under the Federal Selective Service Act is no longer considered documentary evidence of age, identity and date of birth. (Section 25660)
>If you ask for and see, bona fide (legally acceptable) I.D. before you sell an alcoholic beverageto a customer, you can defend yourself against a charge of selling alcoholic beverages to an underageperson. An I.D. is legally acceptable if it:
・Is issued by a government agency (such as Federal, State, county or city)
・Contains the name of the person
・Contains the date of birth of the person
・Contains a description of the person
・Contains a photograph of the person
・Is currently valid (in other words, not expired)
Examples of legally acceptable I.D.’s are: a driver’s license, State-issued I.D. card or Federal military I.D. card. Caution: The picture and physical description on the I.D. must match the customer. If the I.D. is altered or mutilated, it is not acceptable. You must check a customer’s I.D. every time you sell alcoholic beverages to that customer. Examples of unacceptable I.D.’s are: temporary driver’s licenses, non-photo driver’s licenses, birth certificates and school or work (Section 25660 Business and Professions Code)
パスポートはダメだとは書いてないのですが、本人確認に必要なdescription of the personの部分(身体的特徴、身長・体重や目の色など)がパスポートには表示が無いから、お酒を売るのを断るところもあるのかなと思いました。これくらいしか理由が思いつかないです。
なるほど、貴重な一次情報をありがとうございます。 これらを見る限り、確かに日本のパスポートにはweight, heightの記載はないですから(写真がモノクロならcolor of eyes and hairもないですね、私のもモノクロなんですが..)、もし私が実はminorであり他人のIDを使っていた場合、お店は裁判に負けるんでしょうね。 店員がしつこく、physical characteristicsの書いてあるIDでないと駄目だと騒いでいた理由もまぁわかりました。今回の件は腹が立ちましたが、規定がこうなっているのなら店に非はないですね。 気休めかもしれませんが、次回パスポートを更新する際には、写真はカラーにしようと思います。ありがとうございました。