sayshe の回答履歴
- 英訳を教えてください
いつもお世話になります。 友人が、昨日いきなりわりと長距離のウォーキングをしたようです。 でも彼女はいつもそれっきりで。。数か月に1回ぐらい歩いては、「昨日行ったの いい汗をかいた」 と嬉しそうにしています。 私は 「短距離でいいから、毎日か少なくとも週3回歩いたほうがいいと思うし、なにより続けることが 大切だと思う」と言いたいのですが訳せません。 継続することが大切 I think it is important to continue.でいいのでしょうか? できましたら「短距離でいいから、毎日か少なくとも週3回歩いたほうがいいと思うし、そして続けることがあなたには大切だと思う」を訳していただけないでしょうか。 自分で訳さず厚かましいですがよろしくお願いいたします。
- この文法問題の答えは何になるでしょうか?
( )her offer carefully, and you'll understand how generous she is with her money. (1)Consider (2)Considering (3)Considered (4)To consider 解答がついてないもので、わかる方に正解と簡単な解説をつけていただけると嬉しいです。 お願いしますm(__)m
- この文法問題の答えは何になるでしょうか?
( )her offer carefully, and you'll understand how generous she is with her money. (1)Consider (2)Considering (3)Considered (4)To consider 解答がついてないもので、わかる方に正解と簡単な解説をつけていただけると嬉しいです。 お願いしますm(__)m
- 翻訳お願いします
日本語にして下さい。 おかあさんがRHプラスで、私がRHマイナスなのに、かまわずに輸血をしたと書いてるのでしょうか? 2歳の時ですか?それとも2歳くらいの幼い子とかいてますか? 長文ですがよろしくお願いします。 We are very critical about doctors. My own history is almost unbelievable : I was ill as a small child ( 2 years old). I got blood-transfer. Blood of my own mother. Several times, even though I allmost died - high fever, hematoma building up. After some time, at night, a young woman visited my parents. She wanted to get off her chest this: "I worked in the laboratory of the hospital. I do the tests to see if blood of donator and reciever is compatible. In your case, it is not - mother rhesus positive, daughter rhesus negative. The doctor ignored this. I was afraid. Now I leave the country to marry in Australia, so I am not afraid anymore. I wanted you to know". When I was grown up, at first doctors did not believe my story, as normally one dies from this. But anti-bodies in my blood prove it. Since then, we have very often seen doctor do idiotic-to-dangerous things.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#174615
- 回答数1
- 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします
・As a child, the writer wanted her mother to be at home rather than her father. ・When the writer entered high school, she started to prepare her own lunch and her father made the lunch bag. ・At high school, the writer did not want her friends to see the napkin because it was too precious to her. ・The writer`s father kept on putting a napkin inside the lunch bag to show his love. ・Because of cancer, the writer`s father wasn`t able to write to her every week.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- gyurigyuri
- 回答数1
- 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。
・I was the only student in my school who brought lunch with a message written on the napkin by Dad, and I still remember how embarressed I felt. ・From the way my friends talked, I thought they wished they also received letters full of affection from someone who really loved them. ・Attached to the card sent to him were the signatures of all of my friends. ・A puzzle or joke that appears to be nonsense but has an amusing answer. ・To get or pick up suddenly and roughly.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- gyurigyuri
- 回答数1
- 英語の訳をお願いします・・。
経済英語なのですが、この段落だけ和訳をお願いできないでしょうか? 少々長いので、簡単にでもいいのでお願いします。 急いでいるので冷やかし無しでお願いします・・。 The next few propositions deal with the content of administrative activities handled through the different types of posts or positions in the most complex administrative structures. The executives in a modern "decentralized" company carry out their administrative activities from four different types of positions (see Chart I). Each of these types within the enterprise has a different range of administrative activities. Normally, each is on a different level of authority. At the top is a general office. There, genelar executives and staff specialists coordinate, appraise, and plan goals and policies and allocate resources for a number of quasiautonomous, fairly self-contained divisions. in one large geographical area. Each division's central office, in turn, administers a number of departments. Each of these departments is responsible for the administration of a major function-manufacturing, selling, purchasing or producing of raw materials, engineering, research, finance, and the like. The departmental headquarters in its turn coordinates, appraises, and plans for a number of field units. At the lowest level, each field unit runs a plant or works, a branch or district sales office, a purchasing office, an engineering or research laboratory, an accounting or other financial office, and the like. The four types of administrative positions in a large multidivisional enterprise are thus: the field unit, the departmental headquarters, the division's central office, and the general office. These terms are used throughout this study to designate a specific set of administrative activities. They do not, it should be stressed, refer to an enterprise's office buildings or rooms. One office building could house executives responsible for any one of the positions or conceivably those responsible for all four. Conversely, the executives in any one of the posts could be housed in different rooms or buildings.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- ko0523ki0923
- 回答数1
- 英語訳お願いします。
英語訳お願いします。 翻訳機にかけると変な文になるので英語がわかる方、ネイティブな英語ができる方、 お願いします。 いつも辞書を引いて調べたりして文を作っているのですが時間がなくてここでお願いしました。どうか協力してください! ちなみに明日の夕方あたりまでにお願いします… とうとうこの日来てしまったね。あなたはどんな気持ちでこの日を迎えたのかな?仕事の事で頭がいっぱいかな? あなたが日本を経つ日が近づくに連れて私はいつも泣いてばかりで自分のことしか考えてなかったね。ごめんね。あなたの方が大変なのに。あなたは最初はひとりで心細いよね。離れていても私はいつでもあなたの味方であなたのことを思ってる。あなたは人に愛される人だからすぐにたく友達ができるよ。 これから私達は遠距離恋愛になるから、会いたい時に会えないし、触れ合うこともできない。 忙しい日々を過ごして、たくさんの人達と出会っていく中で私の存在があなたの中で色褪せないといいな。どうか体調を崩さないで毎日健康に過ごしてね。いつもあなたを思ってる。
- 英語訳お願いします。
英語訳お願いします。 翻訳機にかけると変な文になるので英語がわかる方、ネイティブな英語ができる方、 お願いします。 いつも辞書を引いて調べたりして文を作っているのですが時間がなくてここでお願いしました。どうか協力してください! ちなみに明日の夕方あたりまでにお願いします… とうとうこの日来てしまったね。あなたはどんな気持ちでこの日を迎えたのかな?仕事の事で頭がいっぱいかな? あなたが日本を経つ日が近づくに連れて私はいつも泣いてばかりで自分のことしか考えてなかったね。ごめんね。あなたの方が大変なのに。あなたは最初はひとりで心細いよね。離れていても私はいつでもあなたの味方であなたのことを思ってる。あなたは人に愛される人だからすぐにたく友達ができるよ。 これから私達は遠距離恋愛になるから、会いたい時に会えないし、触れ合うこともできない。 忙しい日々を過ごして、たくさんの人達と出会っていく中で私の存在があなたの中で色褪せないといいな。どうか体調を崩さないで毎日健康に過ごしてね。いつもあなたを思ってる。
- 英語に訳してください(>人<;)
英語訳してください(>人<;) どんなときもいつもそばには友達がいました。 時には喧嘩もします。 でも喧嘩するたびに、相手のことをもっと知ることができ もっと大好きになりました。 特別何かをするわけではなく、 ただ一緒にいるだけで楽しくて もしかしたら、私の友達は、私以上に私のことを知っているかもしてません いつか恋に終わりがあっても 友達は一生涯続くものだと私は思います このような友達に出会えて本当に幸せです 以上です。よろしくお願いします。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- mwmemememememm
- 回答数1
- 日本語に訳してください
文が途中からなんですがお願いします(´>ω<`) It was one of the mort moving experience I've ever had. After the concert,I joined his taiko workshop. Mr. Hayashi and I talked a lot. He was born in Hiroshima in 1952. From 1971 to 1981,he played the taiko as a member of a group. In 1982,he started to perform as soloist. Mr. Hayashi created an original way of playing the taiko. With his unique combination of taiko drums,he can make a rich sound even when plays by himself, In 1948,he made his debut at Carnegie Hall. That was the first taiko soloist performance seen there. Since then he has performed around the world. Now I'm learning how to play the taiko with a taiko group in Dublin. Mr. Hayashi instructed us when he was here. I want to learn the taiko in Japan someday .
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#174182
- 回答数1
- 経済英語の和訳をお願いします・・
長いと思うので、簡単な感じでも大丈夫です。 冷やかし無しでお願いします。 勉強不足ですみません・・・。 The initial proposition is, then, that administration is an identifiable activity, that it differs from the actual buying, selling, processing, or transporting of the goods, and that in the large industrial enterprise the concern of the executives is more with administration than with the performance of functional work. In a small firm, the same man or group of men buy materials, sell finished goods, and supervise manufacturing as well as coordinate, plan, and appraise these different functions. In a large company, however, administration usually becomes a specialized, full-time job. A second proposition is that the administrator must handle two types of administrative tasks when he is coordinating, appraising, and planning the activities of the enterprise. At times he must be concerhed with the long-run health of his company, at other times with its amooth and efficient day-to-day operation. The first type of activity calls for concentration on long-term planning and appraisal, the second for meeting immediate problems and needs and for handling unexpected contingencies or crises. To be sure, in real life the distinction between these two types of activities or decisions is often not clear cut. Yet some decisions clearly deal very largely with defining basic goals and the course of action and procedures necessary to achieve these goals, while other decisions have more to do with the day-to-day operations carried out within the broader framework of goals, policies, and procedures.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- ko0523ki0923
- 回答数1
- ★大学入試【英文法】2/2
自己採点をしたいので解答を教えてください。 宜しくお願いいたします。 同志社女子2013/1/26 31.I cannot afford to rent a house like that, (let alone/all alone/no less/less than) buy it. 32.She thought she had to find a (mean/means/meant/meaning) of increasing her income. 33.I'm worried about my daughter; she (back/had come/should be/should have been) home an hour ago. 34.He is known to everyone in town (by/as/to/about) an eccentric. 35.He hardly (nor/either/ever/never) misses a meeting. 36.His nephew Thomas took (over/in/on/against) as chairman of the bank. 37.I don't know him. (what/how/which/why) is he like? 38.“Would you miind posting this letter when you go out?”“(Yes/No/Well/Maybe) ,not at all.” 39.The officially announced exchange rate is (very/such/further/much) higher than that. 40.At the end of the term she resigned her position, (gave/giving/given/give) ill health as the reason.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- kissmiichan
- 回答数1
- ★大学入試【英文法】1/2
自己採点をしたいので解答を教えてください。 宜しくお願いいたします。 同志社女子2013/1/26 21.The festival took (away/apart/granted/place) on a farm in Catskill. 22.The money he inherited from his father formed the basis (on/at/to/in) which he built a fotune. 23.As he (speaks/spoke/has been speaking/was speaking) for an hour now,I expect he'll soon be finished. 24.Unfortunately, (not a few/quite a few/few/a few) of the passengers on the bus escaped injury. 25.She stood by window and looked out at a gray cat (walked/walking/to walk/is walking) in the gray mist. 26.Both the girls had promised to email me,but (neither kept/both didn't keep/no one kept/either kept) her word. 27.He was accused (as/for/from/of) stealing a bike. 28.I enjoyed a barbecue lunch and spent the (everything/all/rest/left) of the day reading in the garden. 29.If I had been in that airplane crash,I (am not/haven't been/was not/wouldn't be) sitting here with you now. 30.Whenever she left town,she only (made/got/let/allowed) me know at the last minute.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- kissmiichan
- 回答数1
- 大学入試【英文法】no.3
自己採点をしたいので解答を教えてください。 宜しくお願いいたします。 同志社女子2013/1/26 34.Are you looking (forward going/forward to going/forward to go/forward go) on holiday? 35.Helen wouldn't dream (marrying/of marrying/to marry/to marrying) Bill. 36.Do you know where (Jack has gone/has jack gone/jack gone has/has gone jack) ? 37.Would you like to travel in (a space/the space/spaces/space) ? 38.At the end of the street there is a path (leading/lead/led/to have led) to the station. 39.I've been trying to get in touch with her,but (every time/all the time/all time/all the times) I call,she's out of the office. 40.Bill and I couldn't get into the house because (both/either/none/neither) of us had a key.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- kissmiichan
- 回答数1
- 大学入試【英文法】no.2
自己採点をしたいので解答を教えてください。 宜しくお願いいたします。 同志社女子2013/1/26 27.Our company is the area's (most experienced housing/housing most experienced/housing experienced most/experience most housing) specialist. 28.When I stay in Paris,I (usually visit/am usually visiting/shall usually visit/would usually visit) the Louvre. 29.Utilities such as gas and electricity (including/is included/are included/are including) in the rent. 30.Jane had har fingernails (manicure/to manicure/manicuring/manicured) by the beautician. 31.I appreciate (invited/inviting/being invited/to have invited) to the party. 32.The Internet has (made/had/let/enabled) us to quickly contact even friends who are far away. 33.We regret (to inform/to have informed/inform/informs) you that we chose someone else for the job.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- kissmiichan
- 回答数1
- 大学入試【英文法】
自己採点をしたいので解答を教えてください。 宜しくお願いいたします。 同志社女子2013/1/26 21.My husband's office building,(where/that/which/this)is in Osaka,is going to be torn down. 22.We enjoyed the lecture,(since/unless/therefore/although)it wasn't as interesting as we had expected. 23.The decision of the committee will be announced(until/on/in/by)the end of this week. 24.Kate and Mark phone(each other/themselves/to each/on their own)everyday when Mark is away on business. 25.These days,many people(no longer/on behalf/owing to/according to)accept traditional views on gender roles. 26.Nothing was said about(work to my going/to work mygoing/to my going work/my going to work)at the London office.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- kissmiichan
- 回答数1
- 英語 問題
各文を英語に直して下さい。 1 私たちの市は人工が約三万の小さな市で、陶器で有名です。 2 私の家は交通の便のよい所にあるので、学校まで電車で20分くらいしかかかりません。 3 山田君は学校のすぐ近くに住んでいるのに、よく遅刻をします。 4 昨夜、消防署の隣の家でぼやがありましたが、すぐに鎮火しました。 5 土曜日の午後には、わたしはときどき公民館でボランティア活動をして、子供達の世話をします。 6 母は一日おきに近くのスーパーマーケットへ買い物に出かけます。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- drinker325
- 回答数1
- 英文、和訳が記載され、音声が載っているサイト
英文、和訳が記載され、かつ音声が載っているサイトはありませんでしょうか? 無料のサイトでお願いします。 ちなみにTOEICのpart4くらいの長さだと嬉しいのですが、英文、和訳、音声が載っていれば特に問題はありません。 よろしくお願いします。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- noname#174196
- 回答数1