はじめましてわたしはgiacomoです。わたしはがくせいです。わたしはにほんごがへたです(sorry for my japanese).私は質問をお願いしたいと思います。
I read an article of professor Tsuyoshi Awaya http://homepage1.nifty.com/awaya/hp/ronbun/r010.html say:There are examples of the brain, liver, lungs, heart, bone, flesh, and fetus being utilized as medicine in Japan in past times.
I also read an article of John Z Bowers :Dissection of the human body was forbidden, and anatomical charts were inaccurate, based as they were on theory and casual observation of the dismemberment of a beheaded corpse after an execution
My question is :From where they were taken (brain, liver, lungs, heart, bone, flesh) if dissection of human body was forbidden? They were taken only the bodies of criminal?
ありがとうございました。 むかしむかし、試験中に先生がヒントを出すのが許せずに納得できないことがありました。 このカテは潮時だと思います。