In the chapter we begin by outlining the basic processes you need to go
through in order to compile your C programs. We then prceed to formally
describe the C compilation model and also how C supports additional
As you know,first we must have a source code that is written in C,and we
translate the C instructions into machine instructions.Then preprocessor
accepts source code as input and is responsible for removing comments and
interpreting special directives. After that,the C compiler translates source
code into assembly code. Next,the assembler creates program code(type of
file is in object code) from assembly code.
Most C program consist of functions that are not intrinsic to the C
translator. Functions have to be defined somewhere. Some functions are
defined in the program code; some functions are defined in standard
libraries-the library code; and some functions are defined in user files-the
user code. Both types of file are in object code,and are called LIBRARIES.
The object code file corresponding to the original source code will be
designated the program code.The object code file(s) that are standard
libraries will be designated the library code. The object code file(s) that
are converted source code (previously compiled by the user) will be
designated the user code. The linker combines these three codes.
An executable program is produced by linking together three distinct types
of object code program. It is clear that the program is an assembly of
disparate elements.
アップデートするしかないのですか…どうしよう… 回答ありがとうございました。