Mike: I've agreed my wife wears a fur and , therefore , is barbaric. But what about you. I've seen your teeth tearing at a steak , a piece of lamb , and a slice of ham. How do you explain that , especially the ham? Did you know pigs are just about as smart as dolphins? Have you got no feelings for Porky Pig?
Friend: I've got you there! I gave up meat a few years ago , but you didn't.
Mike: Only because your doctor said that you had too much cholesterol in your blood. But you still go fishing.
Friend: That's different. When I catch a big fish , I'm saving the lives of all the weak little fish the big fish would eat. I'm on the side of the little guy.
Mike: What do you use for bait?
Friend: Worms.
Mike: The lowest living things , and you put them on a hook for sport. Shame , shame!
Friend: See , you're ducking the matter of fur coats again.