2006-12-27 10:47:35 1328 a40 AU AU setting client response for sessionId 0x1 to 'Active'
2006-12-27 10:47:38 1328 a5c Agent WARNING: Failed to evaluate Installed rule, updateId = {03FF1EBE-C1CF-4DBA-ACDA-5C3BFBD9133D}.100, error = 0x80041017
2006-12-27 10:47:38 1328 a5c Handler Attempting to create remote handler process as DOMAIN05\Administrator in session 1
2006-12-27 10:47:39 2856 b00 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build:, tz: +0900) ===========
2006-12-27 10:47:39 2856 b00 Misc = Process: C:\WINNT\system32\wuauclt.exe
2006-12-27 10:47:39 2856 b00 AUClnt FATAL: Error: 0x80070005. wuauclt handler: failed to spawn COM server
2006-12-27 10:47:39 1328 a5c Handler FATAL: 0x80070005: ERROR: Remote update handler container process created (PID: 2856), but exited before signaling event
2006-12-27 10:47:39 1328 a5c Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80070005
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