What Burris says will not be limited in the study is input from the public.
1."What Burris says will not be limited in the study"が主語ですよね?
2.その場合、"What Burris says"と" will not be limited in the study"はどう繋がっていますか?
「Burris さんの言うこと(その調査に限定されない)は、は市民からの情報です。」
"We’re talking about the normal day-to-day activities of nuclear power plants and the people that live near them. Certainly, incidents like Fukushima and Chernobyl alert the public, but those will probably provide very limited input into this particular study," he said.
What Burris says will not be limited in the study is input from the public. Members of nearby communities in the shadow of one of Illinois’ six nuclear plants - like Braidwood - were invited to attend the meeting and express their concerns.