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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:Ad-aware SE skin setup)
Ad-aware SE skin setup
- Upgrade to Ad-Aware SE Personal.Build 1.05 from 1.01 and trying to set up three previously downloaded skins, but encountering issues with extracting and opening the ASK files.
- Looking for a solution to change the default skin of Ad-Aware SE as the current interface has become boring. The three skins in question are DragonFire_ad-aware_SE-skin (110kb), HotLava_ad-aware_SE-skin (211kb), and CrystalXP_ad-aware_SE-skin (130kb).
- Seeking guidance on how to change the skin in Ad-Aware SE after upgrading to version 1.05 and facing difficulties extracting and opening the downloaded skins stored as ASK files.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
今晩は、御指示通り操作したら出来ました。 解ると簡単なものですね。おかげで気分一新出来ました 本当に有難う御座います。