Sub sample1() '図形を初期配置
Dim RowCnt As Long
Dim tgSh As Worksheet
Set tgSh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
RowCnt = 4
If tgSh.Cells(RowCnt, 1).Value = "" Then Exit Do
MakeArrow tgSh, RowCnt, 8, 1
MakeArrow tgSh, RowCnt, 8, 2
RowCnt = RowCnt + 1
End Sub
Sub sample2() '図形を全数削除
Dim RowCnt As Long
Dim tgSh As Worksheet
Set tgSh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
RowCnt = 4
If tgSh.Cells(RowCnt, 1).Value = "" Then Exit Do
DelArrow tgSh, RowCnt, 1
DelArrow tgSh, RowCnt, 2
RowCnt = RowCnt + 1
End Sub
Sub sample3() '図形の表示開始位置、表示最終位置を変更
Dim RowCnt As Long
Dim tgSh As Worksheet
Dim SCol1 As Long
Dim ECol1 As Long
Dim SCol2 As Long
Dim ECol2 As Long
Set tgSh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
RowCnt = 4
If tgSh.Cells(RowCnt, 1).Value = "" Then Exit Do
With tgSh
If IsDate(.Cells(RowCnt, 1).Value) And _
IsDate(.Cells(RowCnt, 2).Value) Then
SCol1 = tgSh.Cells(RowCnt, 1).Value - DateSerial(2019, 12, 31) + 8
ECol1 = tgSh.Cells(RowCnt, 2).Value - DateSerial(2019, 12, 31) + 9
EditArrow tgSh, RowCnt, SCol1, ECol1, 1
End If
If IsDate(.Cells(RowCnt, 6).Value) And _
IsDate(.Cells(RowCnt, 7).Value) Then
SCol2 = tgSh.Cells(RowCnt, 6).Value - DateSerial(2019, 12, 31) + 8
ECol2 = tgSh.Cells(RowCnt, 7).Value - DateSerial(2019, 12, 31) + 9
EditArrow tgSh, RowCnt, SCol2, ECol2, 2
End If
RowCnt = RowCnt + 1
End With
End Sub
'// プロパティ一覧 http://officetanaka.net/excel/vba/tips/tips177.htm
Sub MakeArrow(Sh As Worksheet, SRow As Long, Scol As Long, MyPosCode As Long)
'MyPosCode 表示位置(上下)1:上から1/3 2:上から2/3
Dim MyPos As Double
Dim ArrowName As String
ArrowName = "Zu" & Format(SRow, "0000") & Format(MyPosCode, "0")
If MyPosCode = 1 Then
MyPos = Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol).Height / 3
MyPos = Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol).Height / 3 * 2
End If
With Sh.Shapes.AddConnector( _
Type:=msoConnectorStraight, _
BeginX:=Range(Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol), Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol)).Left, _
Beginy:=Range(Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol), Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol)).Top + MyPos, _
EndX:=Range(Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol + 1), Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol + 1)).Left, _
EndY:=Range(Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol), Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol)).Top + MyPos)
.Line.EndArrowheadStyle = msoArrowheadStealth
.Name = ArrowName
.Line.Weight = 2 '太さ
'.Line.DashStyle = msoLineSysDot '破線
.Line.DashStyle = msoLineSolid '実線
If MyPosCode = 1 Then
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0) '赤
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 0, 255) '青
End If
End With
'Sh.Shapes.Range(Array(ArrowName)).Visible = False '※本番用
Sh.Shapes.Range(Array(ArrowName)).Visible = True '※デバック用
End Sub
Sub DelArrow(Sh As Worksheet, SRow As Long, MyPosCode As Long)
Dim ArrowName As String
On Error Resume Next
ArrowName = "Zu" & Format(SRow, "0000") & Format(MyPosCode, "0")
End Sub
Sub EditArrow(Sh As Worksheet, SRow As Long, Scol As Long, ECol As Long, MyPosCode As Long)
Dim MyPos As Double
Dim ArrowName As String
On Error Resume Next
ArrowName = "Zu" & Format(SRow, "0000") & Format(MyPosCode, "0")
Sh.Shapes(ArrowName).Left = _
Range(Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol), Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol)).Left
Sh.Shapes(ArrowName).Width = _
Range(Sh.Cells(SRow, ECol), Sh.Cells(SRow, ECol)).Left - _
Range(Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol), Sh.Cells(SRow, Scol)).Left
Sh.Shapes.Range(Array(ArrowName)).Visible = True
End Sub
>HohoPapaさん とても丁寧にありがとうございます...! こちらの環境でもプログラムを実行することができました。 ただ、予定日には日付が入力されていて実行日に日付が入力されていないセルがある場合、プログラムの実行が停止してしまいます。 予定日にしか日付が入力されていない場合は赤の矢印だけ配置することは可能でしょうか...? はじめにこのような場合もあることを記載しておくべきでした、申し訳有りません。